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</p><p>Trainee to complete: Please tick  
</p><p>Trainee to complete: Please tick  
</p><p>1. [ ] Shipping - Do you know how To create a New Shipping Method?  
</p><p>1. [ ] Shipping - Do you know how To create a New Shipping Method?  
</p><p>2. [ ] Departments - Do you understand what a Department is?  
</p><p>2. [ ] Shipping List - Do you know where you would use these Shipping Methods?
</p><p>3. [ ] Department Reports - Do you know how you can divide your business into different cost centers?  
</p><p>3. [ ] Location List - Can you create a new City/Suburb and Post/Zip Code?
</p><p>4. [ ] Terms - Can you create New Terms and also create the definition of the term?  
</p><p>4. [ ] Departments - Do you understand what a Department is?  
</p><p>5. [ ] EOM Term - Can you discribe how EOM (End Of Month) works?  
</p><p>5. [ ] Department Reports - Do you know how you can divide your business into different cost centers?  
</p><p>6. [ ] EOM plus 20 - Can you discribe how EOM (End Of Month) plus 20 works?  
</p><p>6. [ ] Terms - Can you create New Terms and also create the definition of the term?  
</p><p>7. [ ] Early Payment Discount - Where do you place an Early Payment Discount for Customers?  
</p><p>7. [ ] EOM Term - Can you discribe how EOM (End Of Month) works?  
</p><p>8. [ ] Auto Discount - How does this effect the invoice?  
</p><p>8. [ ] EOM plus 20 - Can you discribe how EOM (End Of Month) plus 20 works?  
</p><p>9. [ ] Discount Product - What is the name of the Product applied to an Invoice if Early Payment is autherised?<br />  
</p><p>9. [ ] Early Payment Discount - Where do you place an Early Payment Discount for Customers?  
</p><p>10.[ ] Global List - What does the Global List display?  
</p><p>10.[ ] Auto Discount - How does this effect the invoice?  
</p><p>11.[ ] Tax Code - Do you know how to view the Tax Code List?  
</p><p>11.[ ] Discount Product - What is the name of the Product applied to an Invoice if Early Payment is autherised?
</p><p>12.[ ] GST For Sales - What tax codes are used for sales?  
</p><p>12.[ ] Customising The Toolbar - How To Customise your Toolbar?
</p><p>13.[ ] NCG For Purchases - What tax codes are used for purchases?  
</p><p>13.[ ] Customising Copy To - Can you copy the toolbar customisation to other users?
</p><p>14.[ ] Chart of Accounts - Have you assigned all tax codes for your chart of accounts?  
</p><p>14.[ ] Foreign Exchange Rate - Can you create a new Foreign Exchange Rate?
</p><p>15.[ ] Customising The Toolbar - How To Customise your Toolbar?  
</p><p>15.[ ] Foreign Exchange Rate List - Why should you always search the "Inactive Rates" before creating a new FX rate?
</p><p>16.[ ] Memorised Transactions - Do you know how a Memorised Transactions works within ERP?  
</p><p>16.[ ] Memorised Transactions list - Do you know how a Memorised Transaction works within ERP?
</p><p>17.[ ] Reminders - Do you know how to set your reminders within ERP?  
</p><p>17.[ ] Tax Code List - Do you know how to view the Tax Code List?  
</p><p>18.[ ] Templates - Have you viewed a copy of the Report Builder Help file which will assist you in Template design and creation?
</p><p>18.[ ] Sales Tax - What tax codes are used for sales?  
</p><p>19.[ ] Purchase Tax Codes - What tax codes are used for purchases?  
</p><p>20.[ ] Default Tax Codes - Do you know where to set up default Tax Codes for your region?
</p><p>21.[ ] Accounts List Tax Codes - Have you assigned all of the correct tax codes for your region in the chart of accounts?  
</p><p>22.[ ] Global List - What does the Global List display?
</p><p>23.[ ] Templates - Do you know how to customise your company templates?
</p><p>24.[ ] Template Designer - Have you viewed a copy of the Report Builder Help file which will assist you in Template design and creation?

Revision as of 12:10, 18 November 2014


General Training

Company:___________________________ Signed:____________________________

Name:___________________ Position:______________ Date: _____________

Trainee to complete: Please tick

1. [ ] Shipping - Do you know how To create a New Shipping Method?

2. [ ] Shipping List - Do you know where you would use these Shipping Methods?

3. [ ] Location List - Can you create a new City/Suburb and Post/Zip Code?

4. [ ] Departments - Do you understand what a Department is?

5. [ ] Department Reports - Do you know how you can divide your business into different cost centers?

6. [ ] Terms - Can you create New Terms and also create the definition of the term?

7. [ ] EOM Term - Can you discribe how EOM (End Of Month) works?

8. [ ] EOM plus 20 - Can you discribe how EOM (End Of Month) plus 20 works?

9. [ ] Early Payment Discount - Where do you place an Early Payment Discount for Customers?

10.[ ] Auto Discount - How does this effect the invoice?

11.[ ] Discount Product - What is the name of the Product applied to an Invoice if Early Payment is autherised?

12.[ ] Customising The Toolbar - How To Customise your Toolbar?

13.[ ] Customising Copy To - Can you copy the toolbar customisation to other users?

14.[ ] Foreign Exchange Rate - Can you create a new Foreign Exchange Rate?

15.[ ] Foreign Exchange Rate List - Why should you always search the "Inactive Rates" before creating a new FX rate?

16.[ ] Memorised Transactions list - Do you know how a Memorised Transaction works within ERP?

17.[ ] Tax Code List - Do you know how to view the Tax Code List?

18.[ ] Sales Tax - What tax codes are used for sales?

19.[ ] Purchase Tax Codes - What tax codes are used for purchases?

20.[ ] Default Tax Codes - Do you know where to set up default Tax Codes for your region?

21.[ ] Accounts List Tax Codes - Have you assigned all of the correct tax codes for your region in the chart of accounts?

22.[ ] Global List - What does the Global List display?

23.[ ] Templates - Do you know how to customise your company templates?

24.[ ] Template Designer - Have you viewed a copy of the Report Builder Help file which will assist you in Template design and creation?