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== '''Chart of Accounts'''  ==
Complete list of accounts as required for any business. This list can be added to or deleted from depending on your particular requirements.  In addition you can start from scratch with your own set of accounts or simply merge together a combination of both.
== '''Accountability''' ==
Chart of Accounts can viewed in a number of ways '''(Tree mode or List Mode)'''
Accounting is about Accountability
From Main Screen - Select Accounts Module
Most organizations are externally accountable in some way for their actions and activities. They will produce reports on their activities that will reflect their objectives and the people to whom they are accountable.
Select Accounts List Tab
Can view on standard List Mode searching is more easy.
See also [[Accounting Concepts]]
While you can also view on Tree Mode on the upper right side tick box Tree Mode. Options of tree mode can contract and expand on accounts.
Easy steps to follow on setting up Tree Mode on Default :
Select Utilities Module →
Select Preferences →
Choose Accounts  →
Tick box on '''Default to Tree View for Chart of Accounts List'''
Click Save and view your Chart of Accounts.
== '''How to view Chart of Accounts in number of ways?'''  ==
== '''How to view Chart of Accounts in number of ways?'''  ==

Revision as of 20:33, 1 December 2014


Accounting is about Accountability

Most organizations are externally accountable in some way for their actions and activities. They will produce reports on their activities that will reflect their objectives and the people to whom they are accountable.

See also Accounting Concepts

How to view Chart of Accounts in number of ways?

¤From Main Screen Select Accounts Module

¤Select Accounts List Tab

¤While you can also view on Tree Mode on the upper right side tick box Tree Mode.

¤Options of tree mode can contract and expand on accounts.

How List Mode works?

¤From Main Screen Select Accounts Module

¤Select Accounts List Tab

¤Can view on standard List Mode searching is more easy.