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Adjusting Accurals
The Leave Accruals tab describes the way leave should be accrued and the amount of leave accrued for the
employee.  Standard Leave accruals information is populated from the Award<LinkId=154> selected for the employee but can
be individualised from this screen.  The Award should be selected in the Pay_Details<LinkId=149> tab before entering information
in this screen and follow the prompts at the bottom of each page.
Do you know how to set up the accrual, both the Starting and the On-going?
Select Employee Tab
Select Employee or an Employee from Employee List
Select Leaves tab - Annual Leave, Sick Leave and Long Service accrual details will have been populated from
the award
In the column "Accrue After" the number column must contain a number.  If 0 enter 0 and do not leave blank.
If there is a Trial period of say 1 month during which there are no accruals, enter 1 and select Month from the
drop down list
The Accrue period is the frequency with which leaves accrue.  Options are PAY, Hour or Week.  CAUTION:
If you select PAY, leaves will accrue for each pay, not each Pay Period.  If multiple pays are made during a single
period or multiple periods are included in a single pay at any time in the future the accruals will be impacted
Opening Accrual is the number of hours accrued prior to Payroll being moved to ERP and the
date that Payroll started to be tracked in ERP.
Accrue Between Dates allows you to manage a change in accruals.  eg. a casual employee goes permanent
and different rates of accrual apply from that date.
Pay Super on Leave Loading - Select only if Superannuation is to be paid on Leave Loading.
NEXT. Go to Superannuation<LinkId=151>

Latest revision as of 04:38, 12 December 2014