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− | Adjusting Accurals
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| | | |
− | The Leave Accruals tab describes the way leave should be accrued and the amount of leave accrued for the
| |
− | employee. Standard Leave accruals information is populated from the Award<LinkId=154> selected for the employee but can
| |
− | be individualised from this screen. The Award should be selected in the Pay_Details<LinkId=149> tab before entering information
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− | in this screen and follow the prompts at the bottom of each page.
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− | Do you know how to set up the accrual, both the Starting and the On-going?
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− | Select Employee Tab
| |
− | Select Employee or an Employee from Employee List
| |
− | Select Leaves tab - Annual Leave, Sick Leave and Long Service accrual details will have been populated from
| |
− | the award
| |
− | In the column "Accrue After" the number column must contain a number. If 0 enter 0 and do not leave blank.
| |
− | If there is a Trial period of say 1 month during which there are no accruals, enter 1 and select Month from the
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− | drop down list
| |
− | The Accrue period is the frequency with which leaves accrue. Options are PAY, Hour or Week. CAUTION:
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− | If you select PAY, leaves will accrue for each pay, not each Pay Period. If multiple pays are made during a single
| |
− | period or multiple periods are included in a single pay at any time in the future the accruals will be impacted
| |
− | accordingly
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− | Opening Accrual is the number of hours accrued prior to Payroll being moved to ERP and the
| |
− | date that Payroll started to be tracked in ERP.
| |
− | Accrue Between Dates allows you to manage a change in accruals. eg. a casual employee goes permanent
| |
− | and different rates of accrual apply from that date.
| |
− | Pay Super on Leave Loading - Select only if Superannuation is to be paid on Leave Loading.
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− | NEXT. Go to Superannuation<LinkId=151>
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