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(Created page with "'''Display Tick Boxes''' '''Have the display options for Manufacturing and Sales been explained to you?''' The '''answer''' to this will follow '''shortly''', please be pa...")
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The '''answer''' to this will follow '''shortly''', please be patient with us.
When checked Selecting a Customer in the Quote / Invoice / Sales Order will popup an '''Option to choose Multiple Pproducts''' from the '''Customers History'''.
This Option is applicable '''Only''' when the '''Company Level Preference''' is selected on the '''Sales''' page.

Revision as of 20:58, 12 December 2014

Display Tick Boxes

Have the display options for Manufacturing and Sales been explained to you?

When checked Selecting a Customer in the Quote / Invoice / Sales Order will popup an Option to choose Multiple Pproducts from the Customers History.

This Option is applicable Only when the Company Level Preference is selected on the Sales page.