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[[1 Servicing Equipment]]
[[1 Servicing Equipment]]
[[2 Equipment List]]
[[2 Equipment]]
[[3 New Equipment]]
[[3 New Equipment]]
[[4 New From Product]]
[[4 Equipment Parts]]
[[5 Quote for Equipment]]
[[5 Equipment List ]]
[[6 Load Customer Equipment]]
[[6 New From Product]]
[[7 Unique Entries]]
[[7 Auto Load Customer Equipment]]
[[8 Warranty]]
[[8 Customer Equipment]]
[[10 Customer Equipment List]]
[[9 Unique Equipment]]  
[[11 One to Many]]
[[10 Warranty]]
[[11 Customer Equipment List]]
[[12 New Repair]]
[[12 New Repair]]
[[13 Using F8]]
[[13 Customer Equipment Repair]]
[[14 Repair Status]]
[[14 Using F8]]
[[15 Repair List]]
[[15 Service Parts]]
[[16 Regular Servicing]]
[[16 Purchase Parts]]
[[17 Reminders]]
[[17 Loading Costs]]
[[18 Products Used]]
[[18 Returned Parts]]
[[19 Multiple Repairs]]
[[19 Booking in a Repair]]
[[20 Parts on Repairs]]
[[20 Itinerary]]
[[21 PO from Repairs]]
[[21 Appointment to Repair]]
[[22 Appointments]]
[[22 Timesheet]]
[[23 Itinerary]]
[[23 Labour Costs and Service Charges]]
[[24 Appointments]]
[[24 Employee Services]]
[[25 Appointment to Repair]]
[[25 Regular Servicing]]
[[26 Timesheet]]
[[26 Reminders]]
[[27 Time Cost and Changes]]
[[27 Follow Ups]]
[[28 Follow Ups]]
[[28 Attachments & Notes]]
[[29 Notes]]
[[29 Repair Status]]
[[30 Attachments]]
[[30 Repair to Invoice]]
[[31 Repair to Invoice]]
[[31 Invoiced Repairs]]
[[32 Flag as Done]]
[[32 Flag as Done]]
[[33 Invoiced Repairs]]
[[33 Repair List]]
[[34 Creating Jobs]]
[[34 Repair Details List]]
[[35 Service Pad]]
== Overview ==
== Overview ==
Workshop Training
Workshop Training
<br> Company:___________________________ Signed:____________________________
Name:___________________ Position:______________ Date: _____________
Trainee to complete: Please tick
Company:___________________________      Signed:____________________________
1. [ ] Servicing Equipment - Do you understand what the Workshop module is designed to do?
Name:___________________    Position:______________     Date: _____________
2. [ ] Equipment - What is a piece of Equipment in ERP?
Trainee to complete:  Please tick
3. [ ] New Equipment - Can you create a new type of Equipment and understand each tab within the Equipment card?
  1. [   ]   Servicing Equipment
4. [ ] Equipment Parts - Can you load a list of "Spares" used when servicing the Equipment type?
Do you understand what the Workshop module is designed to do?
  2. [   ]   Equipment List
5. [ ] Equipment List - How do you see which types of Equipment you service?  
How do you see which equipment you service?
  3. [   ]   New Equipment
6. [ ] New From Product - How do you add equipment automatically by using a product?  
Where can you add equipment from the main screen?
  4. [   ]   New From Product
7. [ ] Auto Load Customer Equipment - What is required for a Product to save as a peice of Customer Equipment automatically from a Sales Transaction?
How do you add equipment automatically by using a product?
  5. [   ]   Quote for Equipment
8. [ ] Customer Equipment - What two key areas can you see Customer Equipment?
What is required to be on, for the equipment to save on the customer card when using on a quote?
  6. [   ]   Load Customer Equipment
9. [ ] Unique Equipment - What must be manually entered on the Customer Card to make this peice of Equipment unique?  
Where does the equipment for a customer display?
  7. [   ]   Unique Entries
10.[ ] Warranty - Where can you enter the term of the warranty if applicable?  
What doesn't load on the customer card using this method?
  8. [   ]   Warranty
11.[ ] Customer Equipment List - Can you customise the list to display Warranty Expiry and Next Service Due dates?  
Where can you enter the term of the warranty?
  9. [   ]   Customer Equipment List
12.[ ] New Repair - Can you create a New Repair?  
How do you see which equipment is with which customer?
10.[   ]   One to Many
13.[ ] Customer Equipment Repair - By assigning the equipment to the customer, what displays in a new repair?  
What makes each piece of equipment with the same name, unique per customer?
11.[   ]   New Repair
14.[ ] Using F8 - What does this display?
By assigning the equipment to the customer, what displays in a new repair?
12.[   ]   Using F8
15.[ ] Service Parts - From the Products tab within a repair, Why would you select the Equipment first?  
Where does this look for new equipment?
13.[   ]   Repair Status
16.[ ] Purchase Parts - How do you create a Purchase Order to buy parts required for the repair?
Where do you update this?
14.[   ]   Repair List
17.[ ] Loading Costs - How do you load costs against the repair?
How do you display all you current repairs?
15.[   ]   Regular Servicing
18.[ ] Returned Parts - Can you send parts back to the Supplier for replacement/repair and track them?
Where do you setup repeat repairs?
16.[   ]   Reminders
19.[ ] Booking in a Repair - How do you create an Appointment for the repair?  
How do you display these repairs in your reminders screen?
17.[   ]   Products Used
20.[ ] Itinerary - Where do you produce an Appointment Itinerary for your Repairs?  
How do you add products to the repair?
18.[   ]   Multiple Repairs
21.[ ] Appointment to Repair - How do you load the Actual Appointment times back to the repair?
Why do you have the option to select equipment in the products tab on the repair?
22.[ ] Timesheet - Where do the times from the appointment display on the repair?  
19.[   ]   Parts on Repairs
23.[ ] Labour Costs and Service Charges - Can you load service charge outs as part of the Time sheet?  
How do you display a list of all the products on all repairs?
20.[   ]   PO from Repair
24.[ ] Employee Services - Have you created Employee Services to auto load Charge Rates for the repair?
How do you create a Purchase Order from the repair?
21.[   ]   Appointments
25.[ ] Regular Servicing - Where do you setup repeat repairs?  
How do you create an appointment from the repair?
22.[   ]   Itinerary
26.[ ] Reminders - How do you display these repairs in your reminders screen?
Where do you produce an appointment itinerary for each rep?
23.[   ]   Appointment to Repair
27.[ ] Follow-ups - Can you enter a repair follow-up for another employee?
How do you load the appointment times back to the repair?
24.[   ]   Timesheet
28.[ ] Attachments & Notes - Where do you do add Notes and Attachments to the repair?
Where do the times from the appointment display on the repair?
25.[   ]   Time Costs and Charges
29.[ ] Repair Status - How do you update a repair Status?
Can you load service charge outs as part of the Time sheet?
26.[   ]   Follow-ups
30.[ ] Repair to Invoice - How do you create an invoice from the repair?
Can you enter a follow-up for another employee?
27.[   ]   Notes
31.[ ] Invoiced Repairs - How do you view a list of the invoiced repairs?
Where do you do notes to suit?
28.[   ]   Attachments
32.[ ] Flag as Done - Why would you flag the repair as done?  
How do you drop attachments onto the repair?
29.[   ]   Repair to Invoice
33.[ ] Repair List - How do you display all you current repairs and their Status?  
How do you create an invoice from the repair?
30.[   ]   Flag as Done
34.[ ] Repair Details List - Do you understand all of the different radio button display options that make this your "go to" report for repairs?  
Why would you flag the repair as done?
31.[   ]   Invoiced Repairs
35.[ ] Service Pad - Has the functionality of the Service Pad been explained for Windows based tablets?  
How do you view a list of the invoiced repairs?
32.[  ]  Creating Jobs
Can you create a repair within a Job, within a Customer?
Notes: Are there any aspects in this area that more training would be useful?  
Are there any aspects in this area that more training would be useful?
_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________

Latest revision as of 22:55, 15 December 2014


Workshop Training

Company:___________________________ Signed:____________________________

Name:___________________ Position:______________ Date: _____________

Trainee to complete: Please tick

1. [ ] Servicing Equipment - Do you understand what the Workshop module is designed to do?

2. [ ] Equipment - What is a piece of Equipment in ERP?

3. [ ] New Equipment - Can you create a new type of Equipment and understand each tab within the Equipment card?

4. [ ] Equipment Parts - Can you load a list of "Spares" used when servicing the Equipment type?

5. [ ] Equipment List - How do you see which types of Equipment you service?

6. [ ] New From Product - How do you add equipment automatically by using a product?

7. [ ] Auto Load Customer Equipment - What is required for a Product to save as a peice of Customer Equipment automatically from a Sales Transaction?

8. [ ] Customer Equipment - What two key areas can you see Customer Equipment?

9. [ ] Unique Equipment - What must be manually entered on the Customer Card to make this peice of Equipment unique?

10.[ ] Warranty - Where can you enter the term of the warranty if applicable?

11.[ ] Customer Equipment List - Can you customise the list to display Warranty Expiry and Next Service Due dates?

12.[ ] New Repair - Can you create a New Repair?

13.[ ] Customer Equipment Repair - By assigning the equipment to the customer, what displays in a new repair?

14.[ ] Using F8 - What does this display?

15.[ ] Service Parts - From the Products tab within a repair, Why would you select the Equipment first?

16.[ ] Purchase Parts - How do you create a Purchase Order to buy parts required for the repair?

17.[ ] Loading Costs - How do you load costs against the repair?

18.[ ] Returned Parts - Can you send parts back to the Supplier for replacement/repair and track them?

19.[ ] Booking in a Repair - How do you create an Appointment for the repair?

20.[ ] Itinerary - Where do you produce an Appointment Itinerary for your Repairs?

21.[ ] Appointment to Repair - How do you load the Actual Appointment times back to the repair?

22.[ ] Timesheet - Where do the times from the appointment display on the repair?

23.[ ] Labour Costs and Service Charges - Can you load service charge outs as part of the Time sheet?

24.[ ] Employee Services - Have you created Employee Services to auto load Charge Rates for the repair?

25.[ ] Regular Servicing - Where do you setup repeat repairs?

26.[ ] Reminders - How do you display these repairs in your reminders screen?

27.[ ] Follow-ups - Can you enter a repair follow-up for another employee?

28.[ ] Attachments & Notes - Where do you do add Notes and Attachments to the repair?

29.[ ] Repair Status - How do you update a repair Status?

30.[ ] Repair to Invoice - How do you create an invoice from the repair?

31.[ ] Invoiced Repairs - How do you view a list of the invoiced repairs?

32.[ ] Flag as Done - Why would you flag the repair as done?

33.[ ] Repair List - How do you display all you current repairs and their Status?

34.[ ] Repair Details List - Do you understand all of the different radio button display options that make this your "go to" report for repairs?

35.[ ] Service Pad - Has the functionality of the Service Pad been explained for Windows based tablets?

Notes: Are there any aspects in this area that more training would be useful?

_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________