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(5 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
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[[1 Servicing Equipment]]
[[1 Servicing Equipment]]
[[2 Equipment List]]
[[2 Equipment]]
[[3 New Equipment]]
[[3 New Equipment]]
[[4 New From Product]]
[[4 Equipment Parts]]
[[5 Quote for Equipment]]
[[5 Equipment List ]]
[[6 Load Customer Equipment]]
[[6 New From Product]]
[[7 Unique Entries]]
[[7 Auto Load Customer Equipment]]
[[8 Warranty]]
[[8 Customer Equipment]]
[[10 Customer Equipment List]]
[[9 Unique Equipment]]  
[[11 One to Many]]
[[10 Warranty]]
[[11 Customer Equipment List]]
[[12 New Repair]]
[[12 New Repair]]
[[13 Using F8]]
[[13 Customer Equipment Repair]]
[[14 Repair Status]]
[[14 Using F8]]
[[15 Repair List]]
[[15 Service Parts]]
[[16 Regular Servicing]]
[[16 Purchase Parts]]
[[17 Reminders]]
[[17 Loading Costs]]
[[18 Products Used]]
[[18 Returned Parts]]
[[19 Multiple Repairs]]
[[19 Booking in a Repair]]
[[20 Parts on Repairs]]
[[20 Itinerary]]
[[21 PO from Repairs]]
[[21 Appointment to Repair]]
[[22 Appointments]]
[[22 Timesheet]]
[[23 Itinerary]]
[[23 Labour Costs and Service Charges]]
[[24 Appointment to Repair]]
[[24 Employee Services]]
[[25 Timesheet]]
[[25 Regular Servicing]]
[[26 Time Cost and Changes]]
[[26 Reminders]]
[[27 Follow Ups]]
[[27 Follow Ups]]
[[28 Notes]]
[[28 Attachments & Notes]]
[[29 Attachments]]
[[29 Repair Status]]
[[30 Repair to Invoice]]
[[30 Repair to Invoice]]
[[31 Flag as Done]]
[[31 Invoiced Repairs]]
[[32 Invoiced Repairs]]
[[32 Flag as Done]]
[[33 Creating Jobs]]
[[33 Repair List]]
[[34 Repair Details List]]
[[35 Service Pad]]
Line 49: Line 52:
Trainee to complete: Please tick  
Trainee to complete: Please tick  
  1. [   ]   Servicing Equipment
1. [ ] Servicing Equipment - Do you understand what the Workshop module is designed to do?
Do you understand what the Workshop module is designed to do?  
2. [ ] Equipment - What is a piece of Equipment in ERP?
  2. [   ]   Equipment List
3. [ ] New Equipment - Can you create a new type of Equipment and understand each tab within the Equipment card?
How do you see which equipment you service?  
4. [ ] Equipment Parts - Can you load a list of "Spares" used when servicing the Equipment type?
  3. [   ]   New Equipment
5. [ ] Equipment List - How do you see which types of Equipment you service?
Where can you add equipment from the main screen?  
6. [ ] New From Product - How do you add equipment automatically by using a product?  
  4. [   ]   New From Product
7. [ ] Auto Load Customer Equipment - What is required for a Product to save as a peice of Customer Equipment automatically from a Sales Transaction?
How do you add equipment automatically by using a product?  
8. [ ] Customer Equipment - What two key areas can you see Customer Equipment?
  5. [   ]   Quote for Equipment
9. [ ] Unique Equipment - What must be manually entered on the Customer Card to make this peice of Equipment unique?
What is required to be on, for the equipment to save on the customer card when using on a quote?  
10.[ ] Warranty - Where can you enter the term of the warranty if applicable?  
  6. [   ]   Load Customer Equipment
11.[ ] Customer Equipment List - Can you customise the list to display Warranty Expiry and Next Service Due dates?
Where does the equipment for a customer display?  
12.[ ] New Repair - Can you create a New Repair?  
  7. [   ]   Unique Entries
13.[ ] Customer Equipment Repair - By assigning the equipment to the customer, what displays in a new repair?
What doesn't load on the customer card using this method?  
14.[ ] Using F8 - What does this display?
  8. [   ]   Warranty
15.[ ] Service Parts - From the Products tab within a repair, Why would you select the Equipment first?
Where can you enter the term of the warranty?  
16.[ ] Purchase Parts - How do you create a Purchase Order to buy parts required for the repair?
  9. [   ]   Customer Equipment List
17.[ ] Loading Costs - How do you load costs against the repair?
How do you see which equipment is with which customer?  
18.[ ] Returned Parts - Can you send parts back to the Supplier for replacement/repair and track them?
10.[   ]   One to Many
19.[ ] Booking in a Repair - How do you create an Appointment for the repair?
What makes each piece of equipment with the same name, unique per customer?  
20.[ ] Itinerary - Where do you produce an Appointment Itinerary for your Repairs?  
11.[   ]   New Repair
21.[ ] Appointment to Repair - How do you load the Actual Appointment times back to the repair?
22.[ ] Timesheet - Where do the times from the appointment display on the repair?
By assigning the equipment to the customer, what displays in a new repair?  
23.[ ] Labour Costs and Service Charges - Can you load service charge outs as part of the Time sheet?  
12.[   ]   Using F8
24.[ ] Employee Services - Have you created Employee Services to auto load Charge Rates for the repair?
Where does this look for new equipment?  
25.[ ] Regular Servicing - Where do you setup repeat repairs?  
13.[   ]   Repair Status
26.[ ] Reminders - How do you display these repairs in your reminders screen?
Where do you update this?  
27.[ ] Follow-ups - Can you enter a repair follow-up for another employee?
14.[   ]   Repair List
28.[ ] Attachments & Notes - Where do you do add Notes and Attachments to the repair?
How do you display all you current repairs?  
29.[ ] Repair Status - How do you update a repair Status?
15.[   ]   Regular Servicing
30.[ ] Repair to Invoice - How do you create an invoice from the repair?
Where do you setup repeat repairs?  
31.[ ] Invoiced Repairs - How do you view a list of the invoiced repairs?
16.[   ]   Reminders
32.[ ] Flag as Done - Why would you flag the repair as done?
How do you display these repairs in your reminders screen?  
33.[ ] Repair List - How do you display all you current repairs and their Status?  
17.[   ]   Products Used
34.[ ] Repair Details List - Do you understand all of the different radio button display options that make this your "go to" report for repairs?
How do you add products to the repair?  
35.[ ] Service Pad - Has the functionality of the Service Pad been explained for Windows based tablets?  
18.[  ]  Multiple Repairs
Why do you have the option to select equipment in the products tab on the repair?
19.[  ]  Parts on Repairs
How do you display a list of all the products on all repairs?
20.[  ]  PO from Repair
How do you create a Purchase Order from the repair?
21.[  ]  Appointments
How do you create an appointment from the repair?
22.[  ]  Itinerary
Where do you produce an appointment itinerary for each rep?
23.[  ]  Appointment to Repair
How do you load the appointment times back to the repair?
24.[  ]  Timesheet
Where do the times from the appointment display on the repair?
25.[  ]  Time Costs and Charges
Can you load service charge outs as part of the Time sheet?
26.[  ]  Follow-ups
Can you enter a follow-up for another employee?
27.[  ]  Notes
Where do you do notes to suit?
28.[  ]  Attachments
How do you drop attachments onto the repair?
29.[  ]  Repair to Invoice
How do you create an invoice from the repair?
30.[  ]  Flag as Done
Why would you flag the repair as done?
31.[  ]  Invoiced Repairs
How do you view a list of the invoiced repairs?
32.[  ]  Creating Jobs
Can you create a repair within a Job, within a Customer?
Notes: Are there any aspects in this area that more training would be useful?  
Notes: Are there any aspects in this area that more training would be useful?  
_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________
_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________

Latest revision as of 22:55, 15 December 2014


Workshop Training

Company:___________________________ Signed:____________________________

Name:___________________ Position:______________ Date: _____________

Trainee to complete: Please tick

1. [ ] Servicing Equipment - Do you understand what the Workshop module is designed to do?

2. [ ] Equipment - What is a piece of Equipment in ERP?

3. [ ] New Equipment - Can you create a new type of Equipment and understand each tab within the Equipment card?

4. [ ] Equipment Parts - Can you load a list of "Spares" used when servicing the Equipment type?

5. [ ] Equipment List - How do you see which types of Equipment you service?

6. [ ] New From Product - How do you add equipment automatically by using a product?

7. [ ] Auto Load Customer Equipment - What is required for a Product to save as a peice of Customer Equipment automatically from a Sales Transaction?

8. [ ] Customer Equipment - What two key areas can you see Customer Equipment?

9. [ ] Unique Equipment - What must be manually entered on the Customer Card to make this peice of Equipment unique?

10.[ ] Warranty - Where can you enter the term of the warranty if applicable?

11.[ ] Customer Equipment List - Can you customise the list to display Warranty Expiry and Next Service Due dates?

12.[ ] New Repair - Can you create a New Repair?

13.[ ] Customer Equipment Repair - By assigning the equipment to the customer, what displays in a new repair?

14.[ ] Using F8 - What does this display?

15.[ ] Service Parts - From the Products tab within a repair, Why would you select the Equipment first?

16.[ ] Purchase Parts - How do you create a Purchase Order to buy parts required for the repair?

17.[ ] Loading Costs - How do you load costs against the repair?

18.[ ] Returned Parts - Can you send parts back to the Supplier for replacement/repair and track them?

19.[ ] Booking in a Repair - How do you create an Appointment for the repair?

20.[ ] Itinerary - Where do you produce an Appointment Itinerary for your Repairs?

21.[ ] Appointment to Repair - How do you load the Actual Appointment times back to the repair?

22.[ ] Timesheet - Where do the times from the appointment display on the repair?

23.[ ] Labour Costs and Service Charges - Can you load service charge outs as part of the Time sheet?

24.[ ] Employee Services - Have you created Employee Services to auto load Charge Rates for the repair?

25.[ ] Regular Servicing - Where do you setup repeat repairs?

26.[ ] Reminders - How do you display these repairs in your reminders screen?

27.[ ] Follow-ups - Can you enter a repair follow-up for another employee?

28.[ ] Attachments & Notes - Where do you do add Notes and Attachments to the repair?

29.[ ] Repair Status - How do you update a repair Status?

30.[ ] Repair to Invoice - How do you create an invoice from the repair?

31.[ ] Invoiced Repairs - How do you view a list of the invoiced repairs?

32.[ ] Flag as Done - Why would you flag the repair as done?

33.[ ] Repair List - How do you display all you current repairs and their Status?

34.[ ] Repair Details List - Do you understand all of the different radio button display options that make this your "go to" report for repairs?

35.[ ] Service Pad - Has the functionality of the Service Pad been explained for Windows based tablets?

Notes: Are there any aspects in this area that more training would be useful?

_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________