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'''Have the display options for Manufacturing and Sales been explained to you?'''
'''Have the display options for Manufacturing and Sales been explained to you?'''
When checked, Selecting a Customer in the Quote / Invoice / Sales Order, you can check under Employee Preferences which pop up options will popup:
The '''answer''' to this will follow '''shortly''', please be patient with us.
-Open Product Source Option from Sale: take from stock or manufacture
-Open Delivery Details when printing
-Open Process tree from Sales Order when product selected
-Capacity Planner: Show Selection Options
-Print Address labels when delivery docket printed from delivery docket audit
-Sales: Show product Auto Select options: select from customer's product history
-Show Manufacture Summary when tree created/changed from sales
-Don't show message when service pad opens

Latest revision as of 10:18, 4 February 2015

Display Tick Boxes

Have the display options for Manufacturing and Sales been explained to you?

When checked, Selecting a Customer in the Quote / Invoice / Sales Order, you can check under Employee Preferences which pop up options will popup:

-Open Product Source Option from Sale: take from stock or manufacture

-Open Delivery Details when printing

-Open Process tree from Sales Order when product selected

-Capacity Planner: Show Selection Options

-Print Address labels when delivery docket printed from delivery docket audit

-Sales: Show product Auto Select options: select from customer's product history

-Show Manufacture Summary when tree created/changed from sales

-Don't show message when service pad opens