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Applying Customer Payments
<menu align="center" name="myMenu">
[[1 Preferences]]
[[2 Payment Accounts]]
[[3 EFT]]
[[4 Batch Update]]
[[5 Accounts Payable Report]]
[[6 Summary vs Extra Details]]
[[7 Zoom In]]
[[8 Age by Transaction Date]]
[[9 Calendar Ageing]]
[[10 Ctrl, Shift, N ]]
[[11 Approve/Review]]
[[12 Pay Approved]]
[[13 Supplier Payment]]
[[14 Tick Apply]]
[[15 Partial Payment]]
[[16 Why Grey]]
[[17 FX Payment]]
[[18 Bank Cheque]]
[[19 Delete a Payment]]
[[20 Entire Process]]
[[21 Pre Payments]]
[[22 Pre Payments List]]
[[23 Bulk Payments]]
[[24 Defining EFT]]
[[25 EFT to ABA Setup]]
[[26 Supplier Statement]]
Within the Payments tab you are able to post payments to the customers account. Once an invoice has been created and
goods or services are shipped, the invoice will appear within Customer Payments as outstanding monies by Invoice. When
payments are received from a Customer either by direct payments or as Prepayments they must be applied to the customer
account within ERP to update the customers Account Balance. The Accounts Receivable report (Or Debtor, Aged Trial
Balance) is automatically updated when payments are made to a customers Account.
Do you know how to open the Customer Payments form?
Click on the Customer Payment button in the Payments tab.
Select a CUSTOMER / JOB from the drop down menu
== Overview  ==
Select the Amount that the customer is paying
Select a Payment method
Select an Invoice that the payment is to be applied to.
Click SAVE
Supplier Payments Training
Select the negative or refund amount first
Then select the invoice that the refund will be married to.
Select the payment method
<br> Company:___________________________ Signed:____________________________
Click the save button
NB Please ensure that the Payment amount when marrying a refund to an invoice is zero.
Name:___________________ Position:______________ Date: _____________
How to apply a Customer Prepayment
Trainee to complete: Please tick
Select the customer payments button
1. [ ] Preferences - Do you know where to set the Payment preferences?
Select the customer that you wish to apply a customer prepayment to from the drop down list you will notice
that the customers account balance including unapplied payments and prepayments is displayed along side the customer
within the tab.
In the payment field of the prepayment line type in the amount you would like to apply to the invoice. This should
Tick the apply box. Select "Yes" to enter the payment amount.
Then in the payment field of the invoice line, type in the payment amount that you wish to apply to the invoice.
Tick the apply box. Then select "Yes"
In the payment amount field check that the amount is $0.00 this is correct!
How to apply a Discount
2. [ ] Payment Accounts - Why are these typically set as the current defaults?
Select the customer payments button
3. [ ] EFT - Do you want all Supplier Payments to automaticaly load for EFT?
Select the customer
Select the invoice to be paid
Enter the discount into the discount column
Select Apply Discounts button - the invoice amount will be reduced
Apply the payment to the invoice and save
NB You can only apply the discount at the time of making a payment.
4. [ ] Batch Update - Why should you run an Update Batch before launching the AP Report?
How Refunds affect the Payments Window
5. [ ] Accounts Payable Report - How To View the Accounts Payable Report?
Refunds are applied in the same way as prepayments and are shown as refunds in the customer payment window and will appears
6. [ ] Summary vs Extra Details - Can you view the report in these different modes?
as a negative refund value in the amount due column. Always apply the Refund or prepayment first and then offset with Invoices.
This amount, when it is applied, is subtracted from the total applied amount
Partial Payment of an Invoice.
7. [ ] Zoom In - Can you drill into the transactions?
Select the customer payments button
8. [ ] Age By Transaction Date - How does this differ from the standard "ageing based on due date" view?
Select the customer that you wish to part apply payment to a particular invoice to, from the drop down list you will notice
9. [ ] Calender Ageing - How does this change the report view and why is this commonly used?
that the customers account balance including un applied payments, prepayments and refunds are displayed along side the
customer within the tab.
Select the customer you wish to apply the part payment to.
In the payment field of the Invoice line, within the payments screen type the amount of the Part Payment.
10.[ ] Ctrl, Shift, N - What does this filter do?
Tab off the field.
Tick the apply box and the part payment amount will appear in the Payment amount field select yes to add the payment amount.
Select the payment method.
Check the correct part payment amount is sitting in the payment amount.
Click the save button.
11.[ ] Approve/Review - Can you mark a transaction as Approved or for Review?
12.[ ] Pay Approved - Can you process multiple "Approved" payments?
13.[ ] Supplier Payment - How do you process a Supplier Payment?
14.[ ] Tick Apply - Why do we tick Apply instead of loading a total?
15.[ ] Partial Payment - How do you process a partial payment of a Purchase Order/Bill?
16.[ ] Why Gray - Why would transactions be gray in the Supplier Payment form?
17.[ ] FX Payment - Can you process a payment in Foreign Currency?
18.[ ] Bank Cheque - Can you print a bank Cheque for a payment?
19.[ ] Delete a Payment - Can you find a payment and delete it?
20.[ ] Entire Process - Do you understand the entire process from entering a PO/Bill through to payment?
21.[ ] Pre-Payments - When would you use a pre-payment?
22.[ ] Pre-Payments List - Can you open the pre-payments list
23.[ ] Bulk Payments - Do you understand how to process "Bulk Payments"?
24.[ ] Defining EFT - How do you make the payment appear in the EFT form?
25.[ ] EFT to ABA Setup - Have you defined your EFT details on your bank account in your chart of accounts?
26.[ ] Supplier Statement - Can you print a Supplier Statement?
Notes: Are there any aspects in this area that more training would be useful?

Latest revision as of 16:08, 15 December 2014


Supplier Payments Training

Company:___________________________ Signed:____________________________

Name:___________________ Position:______________ Date: _____________

Trainee to complete: Please tick

1. [ ] Preferences - Do you know where to set the Payment preferences?

2. [ ] Payment Accounts - Why are these typically set as the current defaults?

3. [ ] EFT - Do you want all Supplier Payments to automaticaly load for EFT?

4. [ ] Batch Update - Why should you run an Update Batch before launching the AP Report?

5. [ ] Accounts Payable Report - How To View the Accounts Payable Report?

6. [ ] Summary vs Extra Details - Can you view the report in these different modes?

7. [ ] Zoom In - Can you drill into the transactions?

8. [ ] Age By Transaction Date - How does this differ from the standard "ageing based on due date" view?

9. [ ] Calender Ageing - How does this change the report view and why is this commonly used?

10.[ ] Ctrl, Shift, N - What does this filter do?

11.[ ] Approve/Review - Can you mark a transaction as Approved or for Review?

12.[ ] Pay Approved - Can you process multiple "Approved" payments?

13.[ ] Supplier Payment - How do you process a Supplier Payment?

14.[ ] Tick Apply - Why do we tick Apply instead of loading a total?

15.[ ] Partial Payment - How do you process a partial payment of a Purchase Order/Bill?

16.[ ] Why Gray - Why would transactions be gray in the Supplier Payment form?

17.[ ] FX Payment - Can you process a payment in Foreign Currency?

18.[ ] Bank Cheque - Can you print a bank Cheque for a payment?

19.[ ] Delete a Payment - Can you find a payment and delete it?

20.[ ] Entire Process - Do you understand the entire process from entering a PO/Bill through to payment?

21.[ ] Pre-Payments - When would you use a pre-payment?

22.[ ] Pre-Payments List - Can you open the pre-payments list

23.[ ] Bulk Payments - Do you understand how to process "Bulk Payments"?

24.[ ] Defining EFT - How do you make the payment appear in the EFT form?

25.[ ] EFT to ABA Setup - Have you defined your EFT details on your bank account in your chart of accounts?

26.[ ] Supplier Statement - Can you print a Supplier Statement?

Notes: Are there any aspects in this area that more training would be useful?