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Do you know how to set your reminders within ERP?
How do you display these repairs in your remindes screen?
These are a great way of adding reminder prompts and actions for yourself.
When you create repeat or regular repairs or servicing they will automatically be added to the reminders list
How view repeat repairs
Days in Advance for Reminder to Appear
Select Workshop tab
From the list displayed select the items that you wish to be reminded of and the number of days advance warning
Select Reminders  button
that you require for the reminded activity
You can now see all reminders including repeat repairs
Don't Show Reminders after days overdue
Hide reminders that have not been completed after a selected number of days. This is generally not good practice.
In most cases it is preferable that a reminder should either be flagged as completed or rescheduled to a future date.
Popup Reminders
Turn on popup reminders for the selected items. If not selected, reminders are still allowed and will display
in the reminders list, but will not display in the popup window. 
The following items can be selected for the pop up window
To Do's
Marketing Followup
Employee To do's
These are a great way of adding reminder prompts for either yourself or other employees to do actions and tasks.
Select the Employee module button
Click on the "To Do" button.
Date created is the date that the "To Do" was entered.
For Employee refers to whom you wish the "To Do" for.
Created By is whom the task or action is to be performed for.
Date To Do By is when the task or action is to be completed by.
Description would describe the task or action required to be completed.
Result will create a time line of feed back notes from both the "For Employee" and the "Created By" person.

Revision as of 11:56, 30 June 2011


How do you display these repairs in your remindes screen?

When you create repeat or regular repairs or servicing they will automatically be added to the reminders list

How view repeat repairs

Select Workshop tab Select Reminders button You can now see all reminders including repeat repairs