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Have you set the company preferences for Manufacturing?
Have the Preferences been correctly setup for Payroll?
Select Utilities Tab
Select Preferences button
Select the Payroll tab
A manufactured product is one that is made up of a number of inventory and noninventory items.  The manufacturing
Leave Accrual
module allows you to manage the manufacturing process including raw materials, processes, resources and
Select when leave is to be accrued (actual accrual rates are set in Awards<LinkId=154>)
Steps to Manufacturing
Balance Sheet
Select which leave accruals are to show on your Balance Sheet - refer to your accountant for guidlines
Create Process Steps<LinkId=65> 
Create Resources<LinkId=280> 
Select which accrual figures are to be displayed on employee Payslips
Create the Products<LinkId=5> that will be used in the manufactured Item
Create a Sales Order for the manufactured item
Schedule Production via Capacity Planning<LinkId=68> 
Process each of the production steps to completion of the product
Manufacturing Preferences
The information in this section defines how Timesheets work.  Timesheets are used where hours are to be recorded
against jobs or customers
Start Day of Working Week - Enter here the start day for the working week and the start and finish times.  These
setting change the timesheet display.
Use Employee Service as Employee Cost in Job Tracking - Select if you want to automatically populate the
Employee Cost in Job tracking from the cost recorded in the Employee Service area
Timesheets are allocated as done when applied to an invoice - Locks timesheets against changes after a
client Invoice has been generated from it.
Summarise Timesheet Entries when applying cost to invoice - Summarise timesheet entries or lines into a
single billable amount
Use Timesheet Rate Inc as Invoice Cost - Select if you want to automatically populate client invoices with the
timesheet rate
The way manufacturing handles Production Planning, Auto Scheduling and Stock Requirements is determined
Load Hours from Roster
by Preferences<LinkId=233> .
This information defines how Rosters Work.  Rosters define what hours an employee should work and the Clock
ON / Clock Off feature records actual hours worked and can be linked directly to pays.
Use Clocked Hours - When copying to Payroll use clocked hours rather than rostered hours
Ignore Early Start - Don't copy hours prior to the rostered start time into payroll
Ignore Late Finish - Don't copy hours after the rostered finish time into payroll
This information is essential for the correct calculation of leave accruals and PAYG Tax.
Standard Hours worked per week - This figure is essential to convert hours of accrued leave to days.
Annual Leave Weeks per Year - Used to calculate leave accrual rates
Sick Leave Days Per Year Cap - This is the maximum number of sick leave days allowed to be accrued in a
single year. This figure is used to calculate accrual rates.  If there is a maximum number of days that can be
accrued overall this is set in the Award
Long Service Leave Weeks per Term - Used to calculate leave accrual rates
The following preferences are rates set by the ATO and are used for termination payments only.
Leave Loading Tax Threshold
Medicare Levy Rate
Medicare Levy Surcharge Rate
Base Tax Rate for Lump Sums
Lump Sum Flat Rate for Over 55
Lump Sum E / Backpay Tax Rate
Fringe Benefits Tax Rate
No TFN Tax Rate
Threshold Limit for RBL Purposes
Lump Sum D (Basic Tax Free Potion)
(Yearly Tax Free Portion)
ETP Low Rate Threshold (per year)
Default Superannuation Rate - This is the Superannuation Guarantee Levy rate
Pay Super is Monthly Gross More Than - This is the monthly income level where the SGC cuts in.  This is a
cumulative figure so if an emloyee earns for example $400 per week, the first weekly pay each month will have
no superannuation component but the difference will be made up in the second pay for the month.
Pay by Department - allows pays to be run seperately for different cost centres
Add to EFT by default - to use this option you must be registered with you bank for EFT and record your
APCA Number and bank account details in Accounts<LinkId=8>
Include Pays with $0 pay - creates a pay record and Payslip for employees who's pay is $0 for the period.
Import Tax Scales - New tax scales are made available for import as required (usually at the start of a new
financial year).
Clearing Account
Payroll Clearing Account - This must be a clearing account, not an actual Bank Account.  Defaults to Payroll Bank
Expense Accounts - These are the costs to the company, irrelevant of payment or not. Use these accounts in
Gross Wages - This is typically a simple header account, in that you don't post anything to this account, but
use it as a summing account of those under it
Leave Paid - This is the expense account for all leave types.  Accrued leave is expensed at the time it accrues
at the pay rate current at that time.  When leave is taken it is expensed to Gross Wages at the actual current
rate and the Leave Paid expense account is reduced by the original accrued amount.
Super Paid - This is the expense account for superanuation
Net Wages - This account records the actual cash paid to the employee
Deduction Paid (Default) - This is the expense account for deductions
Sundries - Any expense entered as sundries will show here
Allowance Paid (Default) - This is the expense account for Allowences
PAYG Expense - This is the tax expense as part of payroll
Liability Accounts - These are the payments that are to be paid to the various suppliers, including the tax office. DO
NOT Use these accounts in the BAS/VAT
Deductions Liability - Amounts that need to be paid for any deductions taken from the employee ie union fees etc
Leave Liability - Amounts accured for any Leave type that are to be paid to the employee when that leave type
is taken
Allowances Liability - Amounts that need to be paid for any allowences given to the employee ie travel allowence etc
Super Payable - Amounts that need to be paid to the employees super fund
PAYG Tax Payable - Amounts that need to be paid to the Tax office.

Revision as of 17:37, 29 June 2011


Have the Preferences been correctly setup for Payroll? Select Utilities Tab Select Preferences button Select the Payroll tab

Leave Accrual Select when leave is to be accrued (actual accrual rates are set in Awards<LinkId=154>)

Balance Sheet Select which leave accruals are to show on your Balance Sheet - refer to your accountant for guidlines

Payslip Select which accrual figures are to be displayed on employee Payslips

Day/Week The information in this section defines how Timesheets work. Timesheets are used where hours are to be recorded against jobs or customers Start Day of Working Week - Enter here the start day for the working week and the start and finish times. These setting change the timesheet display. Use Employee Service as Employee Cost in Job Tracking - Select if you want to automatically populate the Employee Cost in Job tracking from the cost recorded in the Employee Service area Timesheets are allocated as done when applied to an invoice - Locks timesheets against changes after a client Invoice has been generated from it. Summarise Timesheet Entries when applying cost to invoice - Summarise timesheet entries or lines into a single billable amount Use Timesheet Rate Inc as Invoice Cost - Select if you want to automatically populate client invoices with the timesheet rate

Load Hours from Roster This information defines how Rosters Work. Rosters define what hours an employee should work and the Clock ON / Clock Off feature records actual hours worked and can be linked directly to pays. Use Clocked Hours - When copying to Payroll use clocked hours rather than rostered hours Ignore Early Start - Don't copy hours prior to the rostered start time into payroll Ignore Late Finish - Don't copy hours after the rostered finish time into payroll

General This information is essential for the correct calculation of leave accruals and PAYG Tax.

Standard Hours worked per week - This figure is essential to convert hours of accrued leave to days. Annual Leave Weeks per Year - Used to calculate leave accrual rates Sick Leave Days Per Year Cap - This is the maximum number of sick leave days allowed to be accrued in a single year. This figure is used to calculate accrual rates. If there is a maximum number of days that can be accrued overall this is set in the Award Long Service Leave Weeks per Term - Used to calculate leave accrual rates The following preferences are rates set by the ATO and are used for termination payments only. Leave Loading Tax Threshold Medicare Levy Rate Medicare Levy Surcharge Rate Base Tax Rate for Lump Sums Lump Sum Flat Rate for Over 55 Lump Sum E / Backpay Tax Rate Fringe Benefits Tax Rate No TFN Tax Rate Threshold Limit for RBL Purposes Lump Sum D (Basic Tax Free Potion) (Yearly Tax Free Portion) ETP Low Rate Threshold (per year) Default Superannuation Rate - This is the Superannuation Guarantee Levy rate Pay Super is Monthly Gross More Than - This is the monthly income level where the SGC cuts in. This is a cumulative figure so if an emloyee earns for example $400 per week, the first weekly pay each month will have no superannuation component but the difference will be made up in the second pay for the month. Pay by Department - allows pays to be run seperately for different cost centres Add to EFT by default - to use this option you must be registered with you bank for EFT and record your APCA Number and bank account details in Accounts<LinkId=8> Include Pays with $0 pay - creates a pay record and Payslip for employees who's pay is $0 for the period. Import Tax Scales - New tax scales are made available for import as required (usually at the start of a new financial year).

Clearing Account Payroll Clearing Account - This must be a clearing account, not an actual Bank Account. Defaults to Payroll Bank Clearing.

Expense Accounts - These are the costs to the company, irrelevant of payment or not. Use these accounts in the BAS/VAT Gross Wages - This is typically a simple header account, in that you don't post anything to this account, but use it as a summing account of those under it Leave Paid - This is the expense account for all leave types. Accrued leave is expensed at the time it accrues at the pay rate current at that time. When leave is taken it is expensed to Gross Wages at the actual current rate and the Leave Paid expense account is reduced by the original accrued amount. Super Paid - This is the expense account for superanuation Net Wages - This account records the actual cash paid to the employee Deduction Paid (Default) - This is the expense account for deductions Sundries - Any expense entered as sundries will show here Allowance Paid (Default) - This is the expense account for Allowences PAYG Expense - This is the tax expense as part of payroll

Liability Accounts - These are the payments that are to be paid to the various suppliers, including the tax office. DO NOT Use these accounts in the BAS/VAT Deductions Liability - Amounts that need to be paid for any deductions taken from the employee ie union fees etc Leave Liability - Amounts accured for any Leave type that are to be paid to the employee when that leave type is taken Allowances Liability - Amounts that need to be paid for any allowences given to the employee ie travel allowence etc Super Payable - Amounts that need to be paid to the employees super fund PAYG Tax Payable - Amounts that need to be paid to the Tax office.