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− | Preferences
| |
| | | |
− | Have the Preferences been correctly setup for Payroll?
| |
− | Select Utilities Tab
| |
− | Select Preferences button
| |
− | Select the Payroll tab
| |
− |
| |
− | Leave Accrual
| |
− | Select when leave is to be accrued (actual accrual rates are set in Awards<LinkId=154>)
| |
− |
| |
− | Balance Sheet
| |
− | Select which leave accruals are to show on your Balance Sheet - refer to your accountant for guidlines
| |
− |
| |
− | Payslip
| |
− | Select which accrual figures are to be displayed on employee Payslips
| |
− |
| |
− | Day/Week
| |
− | The information in this section defines how Timesheets work. Timesheets are used where hours are to be recorded
| |
− | against jobs or customers
| |
− | Start Day of Working Week - Enter here the start day for the working week and the start and finish times. These
| |
− | setting change the timesheet display.
| |
− | Use Employee Service as Employee Cost in Job Tracking - Select if you want to automatically populate the
| |
− | Employee Cost in Job tracking from the cost recorded in the Employee Service area
| |
− | Timesheets are allocated as done when applied to an invoice - Locks timesheets against changes after a
| |
− | client Invoice has been generated from it.
| |
− | Summarise Timesheet Entries when applying cost to invoice - Summarise timesheet entries or lines into a
| |
− | single billable amount
| |
− | Use Timesheet Rate Inc as Invoice Cost - Select if you want to automatically populate client invoices with the
| |
− | timesheet rate
| |
− |
| |
− | Load Hours from Roster
| |
− | This information defines how Rosters Work. Rosters define what hours an employee should work and the Clock
| |
− | ON / Clock Off feature records actual hours worked and can be linked directly to pays.
| |
− | Use Clocked Hours - When copying to Payroll use clocked hours rather than rostered hours
| |
− | Ignore Early Start - Don't copy hours prior to the rostered start time into payroll
| |
− | Ignore Late Finish - Don't copy hours after the rostered finish time into payroll
| |
− |
| |
− | General
| |
− | This information is essential for the correct calculation of leave accruals and PAYG Tax.
| |
− |
| |
− | Standard Hours worked per week - This figure is essential to convert hours of accrued leave to days.
| |
− | Annual Leave Weeks per Year - Used to calculate leave accrual rates
| |
− | Sick Leave Days Per Year Cap - This is the maximum number of sick leave days allowed to be accrued in a
| |
− | single year. This figure is used to calculate accrual rates. If there is a maximum number of days that can be
| |
− | accrued overall this is set in the Award
| |
− | Long Service Leave Weeks per Term - Used to calculate leave accrual rates
| |
− | The following preferences are rates set by the ATO and are used for termination payments only.
| |
− | Leave Loading Tax Threshold
| |
− | Medicare Levy Rate
| |
− | Medicare Levy Surcharge Rate
| |
− | Base Tax Rate for Lump Sums
| |
− | Lump Sum Flat Rate for Over 55
| |
− | Lump Sum E / Backpay Tax Rate
| |
− | Fringe Benefits Tax Rate
| |
− | No TFN Tax Rate
| |
− | Threshold Limit for RBL Purposes
| |
− | Lump Sum D (Basic Tax Free Potion)
| |
− | (Yearly Tax Free Portion)
| |
− | ETP Low Rate Threshold (per year)
| |
− | Default Superannuation Rate - This is the Superannuation Guarantee Levy rate
| |
− | Pay Super is Monthly Gross More Than - This is the monthly income level where the SGC cuts in. This is a
| |
− | cumulative figure so if an emloyee earns for example $400 per week, the first weekly pay each month will have
| |
− | no superannuation component but the difference will be made up in the second pay for the month.
| |
− | Pay by Department - allows pays to be run seperately for different cost centres
| |
− | Add to EFT by default - to use this option you must be registered with you bank for EFT and record your
| |
− | APCA Number and bank account details in Accounts<LinkId=8>
| |
− | Include Pays with $0 pay - creates a pay record and Payslip for employees who's pay is $0 for the period.
| |
− | Import Tax Scales - New tax scales are made available for import as required (usually at the start of a new
| |
− | financial year).
| |
− |
| |
− | Clearing Account
| |
− | Payroll Clearing Account - This must be a clearing account, not an actual Bank Account. Defaults to Payroll Bank
| |
− | Clearing.
| |
− |
| |
− | Expense Accounts - These are the costs to the company, irrelevant of payment or not. Use these accounts in
| |
− | the BAS/VAT
| |
− | Gross Wages - This is typically a simple header account, in that you don't post anything to this account, but
| |
− | use it as a summing account of those under it
| |
− | Leave Paid - This is the expense account for all leave types. Accrued leave is expensed at the time it accrues
| |
− | at the pay rate current at that time. When leave is taken it is expensed to Gross Wages at the actual current
| |
− | rate and the Leave Paid expense account is reduced by the original accrued amount.
| |
− | Super Paid - This is the expense account for superanuation
| |
− | Net Wages - This account records the actual cash paid to the employee
| |
− | Deduction Paid (Default) - This is the expense account for deductions
| |
− | Sundries - Any expense entered as sundries will show here
| |
− | Allowance Paid (Default) - This is the expense account for Allowences
| |
− | PAYG Expense - This is the tax expense as part of payroll
| |
− |
| |
− | Liability Accounts - These are the payments that are to be paid to the various suppliers, including the tax office. DO
| |
− | NOT Use these accounts in the BAS/VAT
| |
− | Deductions Liability - Amounts that need to be paid for any deductions taken from the employee ie union fees etc
| |
− | Leave Liability - Amounts accured for any Leave type that are to be paid to the employee when that leave type
| |
− | is taken
| |
− | Allowances Liability - Amounts that need to be paid for any allowences given to the employee ie travel allowence etc
| |
− | Super Payable - Amounts that need to be paid to the employees super fund
| |
− | PAYG Tax Payable - Amounts that need to be paid to the Tax office.
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