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− | Add Leave
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− | Leave Accruals and Payments in ERP have a great deal of flexibility to cater for the majority of award and employment
| |
− | agreement scenarios. See also New Employee Leaves<LinkId=148>, Awards<LinkId=155> and Preferences_Payroll<LinkId=235>
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− | Do you know how to process Annual Leave?
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− | Double-click on any Employee listed to amend their pay before running the Pay Staff for the current pay period,
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− | e.g. to include Annual Leave taken.
| |
− | The 'Pay Employee' screen will load.
| |
− | Select the 'Annual Leave' tab to enter the number of hours Annual Leave taken within the pay period.
| |
− | Select the 'Type' of Leave as Annual Leave.
| |
− | Select the 'Date' the Leave was taken.
| |
− | Enter the Number of Hours taken.
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− | Select the Department if required.
| |
− | Ticked the Certified box to change from 'No' to 'Yes' if certified.
| |
− | Return to the 'Hours' tab within the 'Pay Employee' screen.
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− | Note: The number of Annual Leave hours taken has been entered on a new line and the total has been deducted from the
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− | default 'Normal Hours' giving a true indication of what the hours being paid are for. The hourly rate for leave will be grossed
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− | up to include Leave Loading where applicable.
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− | Paying Annual Leave in advance for more than one pay period, e.g. 3 weeks annual leave
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− | Drill into the employee from within the Pay Summary screen.
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− | Enter the number of pay periods to be paid in this one pay, e.g. 3
| |
− | The following 'Information' screen will load warning that this will change the number of normal pay periods which
| |
− | will be paid in the next pay and that you may need to adjust the pay hours…
| |
− | Select OK when you have read and understood this message.
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− |
| |
− | Select the 'Leave' tab.
| |
− | Select 'Annual Leave' from the drop-down.
| |
− | Select the Date the Leave is taken, e.g. leave starts on 8/03/07 for the next 3 weeks.
| |
− | Enter the number of hours of leave being taken, e.g. 38 hr week x 3 = 114 hours
| |
− | Select the Department (Cost Centre) if required.
| |
− | Select the tick box if this leave has been 'Certified'.
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− | Select the 'Hours' tab.
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− |
| |
− | Note: The number of Annual Leave hours has been deducted from the Normal Hours
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