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(Created page with "Utilities > Preferences > Purchases > General > check the box "Include Landed Costs in Average Costs" (not recommended)")
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'''Include Landed Cost in Average Cost'''
'''Include Landed Cost in Average Cost- Where is the Preference needed to activate this inventory costing method (not recommended)?'''
Utilities > Preferences > Purchases > General > check the box "Include Landed Costs in Average Costs" (not recommended)
Utilities > Preferences > Purchases > General > check the box "Include Landed Costs in Average Costs" (not recommended)

Revision as of 04:29, 27 November 2014

Include Landed Cost in Average Cost

Include Landed Cost in Average Cost- Where is the Preference needed to activate this inventory costing method (not recommended)?

Utilities > Preferences > Purchases > General > check the box "Include Landed Costs in Average Costs" (not recommended)