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* Select 'Automatic Allocation' or 'Manual Allocation' for Batch and Bin Tracking.
* Select 'Automatic Allocation' or 'Manual Allocation' for Batch and Bin Tracking.
* Select 'Update'.
* Select 'Update'.
A message will pop up "Do you like to update all product or the selected Product".
* Choose 'All Products' if you wish to update all products.
* Choose 'Selected Products' if you wish to update only selected products.
This will activate Batches, Bins and Serial Number Tracking for the selected products.
This will activate Batches, Bins and Serial Number Tracking for the selected products.

Latest revision as of 22:21, 11 March 2015


Data Update

Data Update - Do you know how to activate Bins/Batches/Serial Numbers for multiple products at the same time?

To activate and update Bins/Batches/Serial Numbers for multiple products at the same time you need to use 'Date Update' Function in 'Inventory Advanced Module'.

  • Select 'Inventory Advanced' Module.
  • Select 'Data Update' Module.
  • Hold down Ctrl key to select multiple product at time.
  • There are two tabs at the top 'Product' and 'Clients'. Select 'Product'.
  • Select a 'Product Properties' from the left hand side tabs.
  • Check the update you want to activate (example; Update Product Batch Tracking, Update Product Bin Tracking, Update Product SN Tracking etc.).
  • Select 'Automatic Allocation' or 'Manual Allocation' for Batch and Bin Tracking.
  • Select 'Update'.

A message will pop up "Do you like to update all product or the selected Product".

  • Choose 'All Products' if you wish to update all products.
  • Choose 'Selected Products' if you wish to update only selected products.

This will activate Batches, Bins and Serial Number Tracking for the selected products.