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Latest revision as of 01:39, 3 December 2014


Loyalty Setup

Loyalty Setup - Do you know how the Loyalty Program works?

The Loyalty program works around assigning reward points to different products and then assign those products to specific customer types. The 'Loyalty Program' can be found in the 'CRM' module under 'Loyalty Program'. Click this to create a new 'loyalty Program'. To setup preferences around reward points go to 'Utilities', 'Preferences' and click 'Sales' module. Within the 'Sales' module scroll down to where the heading 'Reward Points' is and set-up and select the different options. There is also options within 'Preferences' under 'POS' module under the tab 'Reward Points'. For more information around Reward Points please go ahead and watch the 'Reward Points' Video located in 'Training' module, 'Videos' and 'Reward Points' video.