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== Overview  ==
== Overview  ==
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1. [ ] Preferences - Have you set the company preferences for Manufacturing?  
1. [ ] Preferences - Have you set the company preferences for Manufacturing?  
2. [ ] Weeks to Display - Have you defined how many weeks in advance that you wish to display the calender?  
2. [ ] Weeks to Display - Have you defined how many weeks in advance that you wish to display in the Capacity Planner?
3. [ ] Auto Scheduling - Do you understand how Grace Days interact with Auto Scheduling?
4. [ ] Stock Requirements - Do you understand how a Smart Order can be automaticaly created for required Sub Products and its delivery time factored into Auto Scheduling?
5. [ ] Product Source - Do you understand the difference between the "Open Product Source Option" and "Part Source from Stock By Default" preference?
6. [ ] Company vs Employee Preferences - Do you realise that after you have defined your Manufacturing Preferences they must then be Enabled per Employee?
7. [ ] Manufacturing - What two things must you set up before you can create a Product BOM?
8. [ ] Process Steps - What is a Process Step and where do you set these up?
9. [ ] Resource - What is a Resource and where do you set these Up?
10.[ ] Labour Rates - Can you define Hourly Labour Rates for a Resource?
11.[ ] Defining Capacity - Have you defined the capacity for a resource?  
3. [ ] Product Source - Do you understand how by default the sales order should always be set to "Take From Stock"?  
12.[ ] Allocating Processes - Are you aware you must allocate at least one process step to your Resource?
4. [ ] Process Steps - Do you know where to set these up?  
13.[ ] Total Capacity - Where does your total Manufacture Capacity for the floor display?  
5. [ ] Resource - Have you added the process steps to a resource?  
14.[ ] Manufactured Product - Where do you start the creation of a Bill Of Materials (BOM)?  
6. [ ] Defining Capacity - Can you define the capacity for a resource?  
15.[ ] Must Have - What must you add to the top line of a BOM?
7. [ ] Allocating Processes - Have you defined your process steps?  
16.[ ] Duration - Where do you define the time lines and sequence for each each Process?  
8. [ ] Total Capacity - Where does your total capacity for the floor display?  
17.[ ] Adding Products - How do you add Sub Products to the BOM?
18.[ ] Adding Branches - How do you add a branch to the BOM?  
9. [ ] Manufactured Product - Where do you start the creation of a Bill Of Materials (BOM)?  
19.[ ] Assigning Process Steps - How do you add a Process Step to the sub branches?  
10. [ ] Creating A Wagon - Have you worked through the process of creating a wagon in your sample database?  
20.[ ] Process Information - Do you know where you can add detailed information about the Processes on this BOM?  
11.[ ] Fixed Sell - What effect is there by defining the sell price for the BOM?  
21.[ ] BOM Options - Can you create "Options" in the BOM?
12.[ ] Floating Price - What effect is there by not defining the sell price for the BOM?  
22.[ ] Set The Default - How do you set the default Sales choice, if using an "Option" input type?  
13.[ ] Tree Structure - How do you view the tree structure for this Bill Of Materials?
23.[ ] Create a BOM - Create a new manufactured product using your new Process and Resource.
14.[ ] Must Have Process - Which line must always have a Process assigned to it?  
24.[ ] BOM Pricing - Do you understand the Cost and Sell Price calculations in a BOM?
15.[ ] Duration - Where do you define the time lines for each product for each process?  
25.[ ] Fixed vs Floating Price - What effect is there by defining a Fixed Sell Price for the Manufactured Product or setting it as zero?
16.[ ] Sequence - What effect is there by defining sequences?  
26.[ ] BOM Products - Where would you find a dedicated list of Manufactued Products with BOM's loaded on them?
17.[ ] Adding Branches - How do you add a branch to the BOM?  
27.[ ] Production Request - What transaction would you use to send a "BOM Product" to be Manufactured?
18.[ ] Assigning Steps - How do you add a process step to the sub branches?  
28.[ ] Building For Stock - Which option on the Sales Order creates an internal order for stock only?  
19.[ ] Input Types - What is the default setting for most input types?  
29.[ ] Customer Build - How do you build a product to order?  
20.[ ] Creating Choices - What input type allows the user to make choices when selling the BOM?  
30.[ ] Internal vs Customer Order - What are the key differnces between these types of Manufacture Order?
21.[ ] Set The Default - How do you set the default sales choice, if using an "Option" input type?  
31.[ ] Stock or Manufacture - How do you create a pop-up to allow the user to choose to Manufacture or Take From Stock?  
22.[ ] Reduced Tree - Why is the tree reduced when displayed on the Sales Order?  
32.[ ] Process Tree Edit - Do you understand that the Process Tree on the Sales Order can be edited to make it unique for this build?
33.[ ] Sub Product Edit - Can you adjust the From Stock, To Build and On Order Qty's in the Process Tree Edit screen
23.[ ] Sales Options - Why is this done, focusing on manufacturing needs and sales choices?  
34.[ ] Sales Order BOM Options - How does this affect the sell price?
24.[ ] Loading Costs - Where do the cost values load from in the BOM?  
35.[ ] Simple Completion - Can you run all of your manufacturing jobs from Sales Orders without using the Manufacturing Module?
25.[ ] Building For Stock - Which option on the sales order creates an internal order for stock only?  
36.[ ] Right Click - Do you understand all of the Manufacture functions available when right clicking on the product line in the Sales Order?  
26.[ ] Customer Build - How do you build a product to order?  
37.[ ] Production Job Status - Can you run your jobs from the Production Job Status list?
27.[ ] Stock or Manufacture - How do you create a pop-up to allow a choice of Manufacture or take from stock?  
38.[ ] Production Worksheet - What must you do to an order before you can print a Production Worksheet?
28.[ ] Pricing Based on Choice - How do you have choices within the BOM to determine the price on the Sales Order?  
39.[ ] Finalise For Production - How do you do this from the Production Job Status Screen?  
29.[ ] Hide Pop-up - Why do we strongly recommend to hide the manufacture Pop-up screen?  
40.[ ] Capacity Planner - Have you enabled the preferences that load the capacity planner display options before launching it?
30.[ ] Orders From Stock - Why do we strongly recommend to use the Orders From Stock screen?  
41.[ ] Total Capacity - Do you understand how the total capacity and available capacity of your Resources are displayed in the Capacity Planner?
31[ ] Choose to Build or Not - Which screen would the factory manager generally work from for managing the stock floor?  
42.[ ] Filtering Capacity - Can you reduce the capacity planner to display just a single customer or a single resource?  
32.[ ] Change SO Status - How do you make this choice from a Sales Order?  
43.[ ] Auto Schedule - Can you auto load all the jobs waiting to be scheduled?  
33.[ ] Simple Completion - How do you do this from the Orders From Stock Screen?  
44.[ ] Stages - Can you flag as started the schedule, for just one job or resource?  
34.[ ] Finalise From Production - How do you do this from the Production Job Status Screen?  
45.[ ] Drag and Drop - Can you move process times for jobs using just the mouse?  
35.[ ] Displaying Capacity - Where do I display my shop floor capacity?  
46.[ ] Flags - Do you understand the functionality of the different "Flag" options?
47.[ ] Ordering Products - Where do you go to see what products you need to keep production on schedule?
36.[ ] Drag and Drop - Can you move process times for jobs using just the mouse?  
48.[ ] Producing Purchase Orders - How do you create purchase orders from the Production Job Status list?  
37.[ ] Auto Schedule - Where can you auto load all the jobs waiting to be scheduled?  
49.[ ] Allocations - What are the two key areas where you can Allocate either Serial Numbers, Bins or Batches and print a BOM picking slip?  
38.[ ] Filtering Capacity - Can you reduce the capacity planner to display just a single customer or a single resource?  
50.[ ] Partial Build - How can you complete and Invoice partial qty's of a job?
39.[ ] Stages - Can you flag as started the schedule, for just one job or resource?  
51.[ ] Partial Invoices - Where can you see a list of Partial Buils Invoices created for each job?
40.[ ] Production Worksheet - Can you produce a production worksheet for just one job or resource?  
52.[ ] Finalising an Order - How do you complete a job and convert it to an Invoice or complete an internal order for stock?
41.[ ] Production Job Status - Can you see the same, but in a easy to view version, in the production Job Status screen?  
53.[ ] Barcode Manufacturing - Did you know you can run your entire manufacturing process from Barcode Manufacturing?
42.[ ] Ordering Products - Where do you go to see what products you need to keep production on schedule?  
54.[ ] Control Codes - What are Control Codes?
43.[ ] Producing Purchase Orders - How do you create purchase orders from the Production Parts Status list?  
55.[ ] Job Timesheets - Can you view a list of Job Timesheets for Employees scanned against jobs?
44.[ ] Finalising an Order - How do you complete a job and convert it to an Invoice or complete an internal order for stock?
56.[ ] Manufacturing Reports - Can you load your manufacturing reports paying special attention to the Build Profitability Report?

Revision as of 18:14, 4 December 2014


    Manufacturing Training

    Company:___________________________ Signed:____________________________

    Name:___________________ Position:______________ Date: _____________

    Trainee to complete: Please tick

    1. [ ] Preferences - Have you set the company preferences for Manufacturing?

    2. [ ] Weeks to Display - Have you defined how many weeks in advance that you wish to display in the Capacity Planner?

    3. [ ] Auto Scheduling - Do you understand how Grace Days interact with Auto Scheduling?

    4. [ ] Stock Requirements - Do you understand how a Smart Order can be automaticaly created for required Sub Products and its delivery time factored into Auto Scheduling?

    5. [ ] Product Source - Do you understand the difference between the "Open Product Source Option" and "Part Source from Stock By Default" preference?

    6. [ ] Company vs Employee Preferences - Do you realise that after you have defined your Manufacturing Preferences they must then be Enabled per Employee?

    7. [ ] Manufacturing - What two things must you set up before you can create a Product BOM?

    8. [ ] Process Steps - What is a Process Step and where do you set these up?

    9. [ ] Resource - What is a Resource and where do you set these Up?

    10.[ ] Labour Rates - Can you define Hourly Labour Rates for a Resource?

    11.[ ] Defining Capacity - Have you defined the capacity for a resource?

    12.[ ] Allocating Processes - Are you aware you must allocate at least one process step to your Resource?

    13.[ ] Total Capacity - Where does your total Manufacture Capacity for the floor display?

    14.[ ] Manufactured Product - Where do you start the creation of a Bill Of Materials (BOM)?

    15.[ ] Must Have - What must you add to the top line of a BOM?

    16.[ ] Duration - Where do you define the time lines and sequence for each each Process?

    17.[ ] Adding Products - How do you add Sub Products to the BOM?

    18.[ ] Adding Branches - How do you add a branch to the BOM?

    19.[ ] Assigning Process Steps - How do you add a Process Step to the sub branches?

    20.[ ] Process Information - Do you know where you can add detailed information about the Processes on this BOM?

    21.[ ] BOM Options - Can you create "Options" in the BOM?

    22.[ ] Set The Default - How do you set the default Sales choice, if using an "Option" input type?

    23.[ ] Create a BOM - Create a new manufactured product using your new Process and Resource.

    24.[ ] BOM Pricing - Do you understand the Cost and Sell Price calculations in a BOM?

    25.[ ] Fixed vs Floating Price - What effect is there by defining a Fixed Sell Price for the Manufactured Product or setting it as zero?

    26.[ ] BOM Products - Where would you find a dedicated list of Manufactued Products with BOM's loaded on them?

    27.[ ] Production Request - What transaction would you use to send a "BOM Product" to be Manufactured?

    28.[ ] Building For Stock - Which option on the Sales Order creates an internal order for stock only?

    29.[ ] Customer Build - How do you build a product to order?

    30.[ ] Internal vs Customer Order - What are the key differnces between these types of Manufacture Order?

    31.[ ] Stock or Manufacture - How do you create a pop-up to allow the user to choose to Manufacture or Take From Stock?

    32.[ ] Process Tree Edit - Do you understand that the Process Tree on the Sales Order can be edited to make it unique for this build?

    33.[ ] Sub Product Edit - Can you adjust the From Stock, To Build and On Order Qty's in the Process Tree Edit screen

    34.[ ] Sales Order BOM Options - How does this affect the sell price?

    35.[ ] Simple Completion - Can you run all of your manufacturing jobs from Sales Orders without using the Manufacturing Module?

    36.[ ] Right Click - Do you understand all of the Manufacture functions available when right clicking on the product line in the Sales Order?

    37.[ ] Production Job Status - Can you run your jobs from the Production Job Status list?

    38.[ ] Production Worksheet - What must you do to an order before you can print a Production Worksheet?

    39.[ ] Finalise For Production - How do you do this from the Production Job Status Screen?

    40.[ ] Capacity Planner - Have you enabled the preferences that load the capacity planner display options before launching it?

    41.[ ] Total Capacity - Do you understand how the total capacity and available capacity of your Resources are displayed in the Capacity Planner?

    42.[ ] Filtering Capacity - Can you reduce the capacity planner to display just a single customer or a single resource?

    43.[ ] Auto Schedule - Can you auto load all the jobs waiting to be scheduled?

    44.[ ] Stages - Can you flag as started the schedule, for just one job or resource?

    45.[ ] Drag and Drop - Can you move process times for jobs using just the mouse?

    46.[ ] Flags - Do you understand the functionality of the different "Flag" options?

    47.[ ] Ordering Products - Where do you go to see what products you need to keep production on schedule?

    48.[ ] Producing Purchase Orders - How do you create purchase orders from the Production Job Status list?

    49.[ ] Allocations - What are the two key areas where you can Allocate either Serial Numbers, Bins or Batches and print a BOM picking slip?

    50.[ ] Partial Build - How can you complete and Invoice partial qty's of a job?

    51.[ ] Partial Invoices - Where can you see a list of Partial Buils Invoices created for each job?

    52.[ ] Finalising an Order - How do you complete a job and convert it to an Invoice or complete an internal order for stock?

    53.[ ] Barcode Manufacturing - Did you know you can run your entire manufacturing process from Barcode Manufacturing?

    54.[ ] Control Codes - What are Control Codes?

    55.[ ] Job Timesheets - Can you view a list of Job Timesheets for Employees scanned against jobs?

    56.[ ] Manufacturing Reports - Can you load your manufacturing reports paying special attention to the Build Profitability Report?