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(Created page with "'''Attachments ''' '''Do you know how to attach a HR document to the Employee Card?''' The '''answer''' to this will follow '''shortly''', please be patient with us.")
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The '''answer''' to this will follow '''shortly''', please be patient with us.
To '''Attach a  HR Document'''to the Employee card, you must have '''Access''' to the employee module.
To start click on the '''Employee Module''' on the '''Left''', and then on the '''Employee List''' function on the '''Right'''.
When the list opens, select the '''Employee''' you want to '''Attach''' the '''HR Document''' to.
Select the '''Skill / Attachment''' Button on the left, then '''Click and Drag''' the document you want to '''Attach''' in the '''Attachments''' window.
When you want to '''View''' these attachments, double click to open.

Revision as of 00:47, 10 December 2014


Do you know how to attach a HR document to the Employee Card?

To Attach a HR Documentto the Employee card, you must have Access to the employee module.

To start click on the Employee Module on the Left, and then on the Employee List function on the Right.

When the list opens, select the Employee you want to Attach the HR Document to.

Select the Skill / Attachment Button on the left, then Click and Drag the document you want to Attach in the Attachments window.

When you want to View these attachments, double click to open.