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Add Leave
Leave Accruals and Payments in ERP have a great deal of flexibility to cater for the majority of award and employment
agreement scenarios. See also New Employee Leaves<LinkId=148>, Awards<LinkId=155> and Preferences_Payroll<LinkId=235> 
Do you know how to process Annual Leave?
Double-click on any Employee listed to amend their pay before running the Pay Staff for the current pay period,
e.g. to include Annual Leave taken.
The 'Pay Employee' screen will load.
Select the 'Annual Leave' tab to enter the number of hours Annual Leave taken within the pay period.
Select the 'Type' of Leave as Annual Leave.
Select the 'Date' the Leave was taken.
Enter the Number of Hours taken.
Select the Department if required.
Ticked the Certified box to change from 'No' to 'Yes' if certified.
Return to the 'Hours' tab within the 'Pay Employee' screen.
Note: The number of Annual Leave hours taken has been entered on a new line and the total has been deducted from the
default 'Normal Hours' giving a true indication of what the hours being paid are for.  The hourly rate for leave will be grossed
up to include Leave Loading where applicable.
Paying Annual Leave in advance for more than one pay period, e.g. 3 weeks annual leave
Drill into the employee from within the Pay Summary screen.
Enter the number of pay periods to be paid in this one pay, e.g. 3
The following 'Information' screen will load warning that this will change the number of normal pay periods which
will be paid in the next pay and that you may need to adjust the pay hours…
Select OK when you have read and understood this message.
Select the 'Leave' tab.
Select 'Annual Leave' from the drop-down.
Select the Date the Leave is taken, e.g. leave starts on 8/03/07 for the next 3 weeks.
Enter the number of hours of leave being taken, e.g. 38 hr week x 3 = 114 hours
Select the Department (Cost Centre) if required.
Select the tick box if this leave has been 'Certified'.
Select the 'Hours' tab.
Note: The number of Annual Leave hours has been deducted from the Normal Hours

Latest revision as of 05:29, 12 December 2014