34 Summary Sheet
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Revision as of 18:13, 26 September 2011 by Simon Clive (Talk | contribs)
Summary Sheet
Can you open the Summary Sheet?
The Summary Report can be used to look at a snapshot of your Company accounts. It includes the following Cash In Bank, Accounts Payable & Receivable amounts, Sales, COGS, Expenses andP & L for the last week; last month; last three months; and last year. The user has the ability to Drill Into any of these options to view the details.
- To use the Summary Report select the Accounts module then the Summary Sheet button
- Set the As Of Date in the top Right hand Corner
- Drilling into the fields within the report will open another window revealing relevant information and details about the field you have drilled into E.g Drilling into the field Cash in Bank will open the Balance Transaction List displaying the same Date Range
- Drilling into the Accounts Receivable Field opens the Accounts Receivable List.
- Accounts Payable field opens the Accounts Payable window.
- Balance Sheet Field opens the Balance Sheet window
- In the Sales section all fields open the Details By Account window
- In the Cost of Goods Sold section all fields open the Details By Account window
- In the Expenses section all fields open the Details By Account window
- In the Profit and Loss section all fields open the Profit and Loss window
- For details on Exporting and Printing seeGlobal Options