10 Warranty
From TrueERP wiki
Warranty - Where can you enter the term of the warranty if applicable?
From within the Customer Card and under the tab 'Equipment', you can enter in the 'Serial#' and Registration' number to make this piece of equipment unique.
Here you can record and manage all Fixed Assets including plant, office furniture and equipment with a single-item value of over a pre-determined level, motor vehicles, land and buildings, leasehold improvements, artwork and leased assets acquired under a finance lease or under hire purchase or assets that are designed, built and constructed within a budget centre.
Where can you add warranty details for the asset?
Select the Fixed Assets Tab Select Fixed Assets button Enter an Asset Code of your choosing. Asset Codes are not pre-defined so you can create your own Enter a unique Asset Name eg. for a motor vehicle you may choose to enter the make and registration number Enter the Asset Type Enter the Purchase Date Enter the Purchase Price Enter the Supplier that the Fixed Asset was purchased from Enter the location of the asset if applicable - eg. Server Room, Office Number etc Enter the Department or Cost centre where the asset value will be tracked.
Note: If the asset is shared across cost centres the cost and share of depreciation expense can be entered in the table at the bottom left of the screen
If the Asset is also a product in your product list, select the product from the drop down list Enter/select the Serial Number if applicable Enter/Select the Barcode if applicable
Select the Additional Info tab
Complete the relevant information for the asset. Most of these fields are for information only. The exception is the Date Fields Insured Until - Select the expiry date of the insurance policy. This date is used by reminders to prompt you a selected number of days prior to the policy expiry. See Employee Preferences Warranty Expires - Select the expiry date of the warranty. This date is used by reminders to prompt you a selected number of days prior to the warranty expiry. See Employee Preferences