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15 Customising the Toolbar

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Customising The Toolbar
The ERP Toolbar is customizable down to an individual user level to give you maximum flexibility in adopting a look and feel that meets your needs.

To Customise your Toolbar select the General button

Select the Customise Toolbar Button OR from the Top Toolbar select Window and then Customise from the drop down.

Both options will open the Customise Toolbar screen onto the Categories tab.

On the left screen the Select Menu Category contains a list of All Available Buttons available for selection.

On the right of the screen, Selected Buttons displays a list of those buttons already loaded onto the selected page in the order they are displayed Left to Right.

You can use a maximum of 13 Buttons on the toolbar at any one time.

To load one of the buttons from the Available Buttons onto your chosen page,  highlight a button, E.g. Account and then click on the Single Arrow forward key > which will load Account onto the Top Toolbar.

This works the same in reverse to Remove a button, just select the Single Arrow Backward key

Selecting the Double Arrow forward key >> will populate all Buttons onto the Toolbar up to a maximum of13, as there are already 12 buttons loaded onto the Toolbar, if no button is highlighted on the Select menu category side, then the next button alphabetically that is not already on the Toolbar, will be the one selected.

Selecting the double-arrow forward key from right to left, i.e. Toolbar page back to the page open in the Select menu category, will move all the buttons from the Toolbar page to the Select menu category side.

You can move the position of any of the Selected Buttons by highlighting the button to be moved and using the up and down hand buttons to move the position in the list, e.g. move Back Orders to the top of the list.

The Add and Delete buttons are not used when customising the Toolbar. Refer to Customise Main Menu for details on Add and Delete.

Select the Default button to reset the Toolbar page (or any page selected in the view) to the system default.

The customised Toolbar can then be copied to different employees by using the Copy To… tab Select the Employee/s from the drop-down list that you wish to Copy To…',. Select Ok