Reconciliation Reports
From TrueERP wiki
The Reconciliation Reports in ERP Software are designed to allow you to keep track of future cashflow by knowing what
amounts are expected to be deducted from you bank account (unpresented cheques) as well as ensuring that monies
recorded in ERP have been deposited in the correct bank account. The reconciliation report also provides a balance
that should reconcile to the Bank balance on the Balance Sheet.
Reconciliation Reports can be printed when you save a reconciliation (you will receive a prompt asking if you want reports
to be printed).
Reconciliation Report
This report shows the opening balance on the statement that has been reconciled, the closing balance, and detail of the
items that have been reconciled.
Importantly, the report also shows the totals of unpresented deposits and payments and the balance that should appear
on the Balance Sheet at the date of the reconciliation.
The Reconciliation Report can be printed when saving a reconciliation as above, or alternatively can be printed by selecting
Print from the Reconciliation screen.
Not Reconciled Report
The Not Reconciled Report is a listing of all transactions by type that are dated up to the date of the reconciliation but
have not yet been presented. This report is in fact the detail of the unpresented totals on the reconciliation report. The
Not Reconciled Report can be printed when saving a reconciliation as above, or alternatively can be printed by selecting
Print Report from the Reconciliation screen.