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Company Information

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Revision as of 11:29, 3 March 2011 by Eliza (Talk | contribs)

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The company information area allows you to set up the company name and contact details information that will be inserted in reports and template based documents such as Invoices and Purchase Orders.

How to use Company Information

  • Select Utilities Tab
  • Select Company Information

Company Name -

Shipping Address - This is the physical ar street address of the company that you want shown by default on Purchase orders

Mailing Address

Contact Name

Phone Number

Fax Number

ABN - Enter the ABN that you are required to display on invoices etc.

Email - Enter the email address that you want as your default contact

Note: Alternative or additional information can be inserted in templates based documents such as invoices etc.

Customise Select the Customise button to configure defaults for company correspondence generated from customer or supplier cardsFor each field the text and font can be changed as required. Fields can also be hidden and layout changed.

Use Document Template If you choose to use a MS Word (.doc format) document, eg. a word based letterhead, you can select the path of that document by selecting the folder icon and navigating to the document path.