3 List Mode
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List Mode
Can you explain how list mode works?
The Chart of Accounts list can be viewed in detailed list mode or Tree mode. The Chart of Accounts List displays the full list of Accounts within your business with related balances. You can view by Active Accounts, Inactive Accounts or All Accounts, by selecting the required radio button.
You can view the Chart of Accounts in List mode - You can search easily in this mode Or in Tree mode - expand or contract to view (there is a preference that you can set your account to open in Tree Mode or not)
To set your chart of accounts to view in list mode
By un-ticking Tree Mode the Chart of Accounts list will display. Use this view for a more detailed view of the values within your Chart of Accounts. All $ values are drillable.
Note: To refine detail of transactions select from the Radio Buttons Active Accounts, Inactive Accounts, Accounts with Budgets and All Accounts.
Selecting the New button will open the Account screen enabling you to create a new Account.
To customise the columns displayed in your list select the Customise button. Tick or un-tick the boxes to choose the columns you wish to appear in the custom list. For more information on customising lists, refer to Global Features.
To Export the list as a Text, CSV, SLK, or HTML file, select the Export button, and a Windows screen will appear. Select the Save In location, and name the file. and select the type of file you would like the Chart of Accounts List to be saved as.
To Print the Chart of Accounts List select the Print button at the bottom of the Screen. The print preview screen or Print Dialog box will open if selected in Employee Preferences or the list will be sent directly to the default printer.
Merging Accounts
How to Merge Accounts
In some circumstances you may need to merge two accounts. It is not possible to simply change the name in the account file as this is a unique identifyer for each record. You must create a new account with the new name and merge the old account into it.
Select Accounts Select Account List Untick Tree Mode Hold down the control key (Ctrl) and select the account name that you want to keep Continue to hold down the control key and select the account you want merged into the first account Once selected Right Click your mouse and select Merge You will then get a message confirming Select OK