1 Shipping
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Shipping List
ERP allows you to specify a list of acceptable Shipping methods, that can be selected in Sales Orders and Invoices
Using the Shipping button in the General Tab you will be able to add methods of shipping that may be used by your organisation. These will then appear as a list of options available for shipping when orders are placed. The ability to add a default Shipping Method to a Customer Card ensures the preferred method of delivery is used for that Customer.
Do you know how To create a New Shipping Method
Select the Shipping button from the General tab. Enter the Method of shipping you would like to add, e.g. Aust Post. Active will be ticked by default. Select Save to save and close this screen Select the New button to create another shipping method from within this screen (The current shipping method will be automatically saved upon selecting New.) A blank Shipping Method screen will display ready for input of the new method.
Once the Shipping Method is created it will be listed in the Shipping List. The ability to select the newly created Shipping Method/s from within an Invoice or Sales Order forms (under the Via drop-down box) will now be available.