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3 Department Reports

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Department Reports

    Do you know how you can divide your business into different cost centers?

ERP Departments allow you to separate different aspects of your business into Cost Centres. Departments allow a Company to report on specific areas of their business without the need to create additional accounts within the Chart of Accounts structure. You can run Profit & Loss Reports by each Department to enable you to analyse your business accounts on multiple levels. Your lists can be accessed by Department if required. Departments allow you to combine multiple cost centre records into the one database, as you are able to Report on every Departmental level required.

Departments also allow you to separate your Product List by Department (Cost Centre/Outlet); you are able to set different Price Levels by Department; Separate Stock levels by Department; run BAS Reports by Department etc.

Note: The word 'Classes' within ERP is another term for 'Departments'.

How To View and Create Departments

· Select the General tab · Select the Departments List button

· Like all ERP lists, you have the ability to search for data by selecting the column from the drop-down menu, (or clicking into the column itself), and entering the start of the text you are looking for. The Department list does not have the F5, F6, F7 capability at this point in time. · As per other ERP lists you can filter by selected data within the Departments List (see sorting and filtering).