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11 Tax Code

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Tax Code List

Do you know how to view the Tax Code List?

Accessing Tax Codes

Select the Accounts drop down menu at the top left of the main screen Select Tax Codes (to create a new code) Select Tax Code List (opens the list of codes)

Also you can access the codes from the General Tab

Select General Tab Then the Tax Code List Button A list of all the Tax Codes loaded into the system will then be available

Note: in the Active column T is for Active and F is for Inactive, only the Active codes will be available for selection when transactions are entered Some of these codes will never be used by the majority of businesses and are therefore inactive by default but can be made active if required.

You can create a New tax code by selecting the new tab The list can be printed by selecting the print tab The list can be exported by selecting the Export tab The list can be customised by selecting the customise tab

NOTE Always consult your accountant and ERP Support before creating a new tax code as there may be implications for reporting.