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12 New Repair

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Revision as of 17:17, 19 October 2011 by Simon Clive (Talk | contribs)

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How to Create a Repair:

  • From the Main Screen select the Workshop Module and then the New Repair button
  • Enter the Company or the Name of person who requires the Repair to be done
  • If a New Customer, set up a new customer by entering the New Company and then the Tab button
  • A message will appear to advise Selection NOT in list, Create New? say Yes which will take you to the Customer Field for entering a New Customer.
  • Enter theContact details for the Customr and any other Required fields
  • If you wish to make an Appointment time with the repair serviceman select the Appointment Button which will load the Main Calendar
  • Double click on a Date and Time you want to view the Appointment Card.
  • Make any changes Required and Save

Products Tab:

Select the Product Name from the drop down menu eg. Repair quote fee

Enter the equipment to be repaired Quantity of items to be repaired. Price of the Repair if a set price or quote Select the Department Add in any Memo required ETA date

Equipment Tab: Equipment Name: Enter the type of equipment for repair UOM (units of Measure) Quantity Model Manufacture Registration Serial# Warranty details Notes - enter any notes required

If materials or parts are required to complete the repair, a smart order can be created by selecting the Smart Order Tab - refer Smart Order to create a smart order.

If this is a Repeat repair select the Repeat Tab and you can select the frequency of the repair.

Time Sheet Entries: When the repair has been completed you can enter the time sheet details

Follow Ups: If there are to be any follow ups for the repair enter details Date/Notes/Employee Name When the follow up has been actioned select the radio button and mark as done

Notes: Add any notes and feedback notes as required

Custom Fields can be created refer: customfields<LinkId=109>

Once the Repair is complete Enter the completion Date and time and select the appropriate status of the repair from the drop down menu