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15 Related Products

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Related Product

Do You know how to create a related product and how to nest related products?

A related Part is used when you have a main product that you sell and when this product is sold there is a related part product that is always sold along with the main product.

To Add a related part, you first need to add the main product Refer New Product<LinkId=425> Save Then select Inventory from Main Menu then Product List. Select the product that you wish to add a related part to. This brings up the Product screen Then select the Related Parts tab at top right of screen Enter the Part Name that is to be related then the quantity that is to be the default. If you wish to Hide the related part, tick the Hide Radio Button.

Note: If you do not want to see the related part printed on the Sales Order/Invoice click the Hide radio button. You will see the related part in the Sales Order/Invoice on screen but when you preview/print the related part will not be seen If there is a value loaded for the related part be aware that the related part will not be seen on the Sales Order/Invoice, but the value will be in the total but no description of the related part shows.

RECOMMEND do not click Hide if there is a value loaded for the related part.

You can nest related parts by adding a new related part to the related part in the same way as above. Choose the related part from the Product List then click on Related Parts tab. Create a new related Part Name for the Product.

NOTE: Be careful not to relate a product to a related product that has already been established. If the related product is already within the loop.

eg. Product Monitor .......Related part to Monitor is a Mouse ........Related part to Mouse is a keypad

You can not add a related part to a keypad of a mouse for example. A warning message will appear to advise you "You cannot Assign this product as a related Part, it would Create a Circular Reference. If you are importing the parts you will not receive this message so be aware of this.