30 Customer Sell Prices
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Customer Sell Prices
Do you know how to create different sale prices for different groups of customers for the same product?
Extra Sell Price tab allows you to set prices for a product based on quantity discounts offered for multiple Customer types. You can allocate an unlimited number of customer types and create different price levels (based on % discount from the standard price) with three different quantity price breaks for each customer type.
When creating a product in inventory select the Extra Sell Price tab
Select from the drop down menu the Client Type you wish to set the price for
Enter Sell Qty 1 as a % discount or enter the amount you wish to sell for into the Price1(Ex) column, which
will then automatically populate the percentage
Then enter prices in Sell Qty 2 and 3 (e.g buy 10 get a discounted price, buy 100 and get a discounted price)
You can enter a Description for the pricing
Then if the price is for a specific date range enter the Date From and Date To
Foreign Sell Price can also be entered here Enter Currency then the prices as required