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2 Identify the Company

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Identify the Company

Do you know how to Identify the company file under the data folder on the server?

On Server:

Start=> right mouse click Explore=> C Drive You will then find the ERP Software folder, (containing zipped back ups/services folders/and update folders) The Mysql ERP folder (containing the Data folder which contains the system data base tables) Then in Program Files the ERP Software folder (containing the connection/connection.ini file - for establishing connection to the server (Note: user folder- not always installed on Server)

You can also access ERP Software by left mouse clicking on the start button => all programs =>ERP Software - from here you can access the server services/Updates/Backup Manager/File uploader/Server Configuration/User Update and Multisite

For User:

Start=> right mouse click Explore => C Drive You will then find the ERP Software folder