8 Supplier Codes
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Supplier codes
Can you enter the supplier codes for a product?
The supplier code is the code that the supplier uses to reference the product. If you have multiple suppliers for a product you will have multiple supplier codes and possible multiple supplier part names which can be different from the name you use to refer to the product. For example you may sell Red Buckets which you source from two different suppliers. Supplier 1 may call the product Rose Red Plastic Pail with a product code of RRP01. Supplier 2 may refer to its identical product as Polypropolene bucket with a code of PPB-red. To save your employees having to remember what each supplier calls the product, you store this information in the product file and print it by default on each purchase order for Red Buckets from the respective supplier. This information is recorded in the Extra Buy Price tab in the Product file.
Go to Inventory Select the Product Then select the Extra Buy Price tab For each supplier of this product you can enter the Supplier Part Name and Supplier Code