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40 Production Worksheet

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Production Worksheets

Can you produce a production worksheet for just one job or resource?

Within Capacity Planning you can create a Production Worksheet, filtered by process and date. The Production Worksheet includes all production items for the period selected regardless of status.

  • To use Production Worksheets select the Manufacturing module and then the Capacity Planning button.
  • Right Click and select Production Work Sheets
  • Enter the Dates Required and Tick off the Processes required
  • TickPreview Report to view onscreen if desired and then Print

Within Capacity Planning you can create a Picking Slip for any item that has been scheduled, filtered by process and date. This means that you don't necessarily pick all of the parts required for a manufactured products at the same time, you can pick only the items required for the processes being performed on a given day.

How to use Picking Slips

Select the Manufacturing tab Select Capacity Planning Button - You will see a list of sales orders for Manufactured Items Right Click to select the items you want included on the picking slip - They must have a Status of Scheduled or higher To selct multiple items hold down the Ctrl key and select the required rows When all required rows have been highlighted, right click again and select Print Picking Slip Select the date Range required - some processes may span multiple days Select the Processes that you want to Pick for Select Preview to view on screen before Printing Select Print If Previewing, the picking slip will display on screen. Select the Printer Icon from the preview screen to print If not previewing the picking slip will be sent to the nominated printer