6 Preferences
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Do you know how to access the preferences that control POS?
What does Preference mean? A Preference is a favorite or favored choice. (And in this case of preset selections).
What does the preferences function that controls POS do? It opens a window that displays a field of options that you can control by preselection so that POS operates in a set way at all times.
Why would you use the Preferences function to control POS? You would use it to control/select actions that you want POS to perform every time you use it.
When would you use the Preferences function to control POS? Mostly at the set up stage or for adjustments to your preselections as you may need to perform from time to time.
How do you gain access to the preferences that control POS? Access is gained from the Main Menu screen then selecting the Utilities module then selecting the Preferences tab then selecting the POS module.
What is the 'step by step' process to get to the preference functions that control POS?
Step 1. From the Main Menu, select the Utilities module.
Step 2. From the Utilities screen select the Preferences tab.
Step 3. From the Preferences screen select the POS module.
You are now at the window of preferences fields that control POS.
Receipt Printer
The following are default settings and many may be overidden when setting up individual tills
User Receipt Printer for POS - Select if using a Receipt Printer
Use Cash Drawer from Cash Sale - Select if using a Cash Drawer integrated with the Receipt Printer
Cash Drawer Only - Select if using Cash Drawer Only
Print Receipts on Complete Sale - Select to automatically print receipts on the complation of each sale
Multiple Lines for Description - Select if you want to allow multiple lines per item on the receipt
Receipt Printer Type - Select your printer type from the list. If your printer is not listed it will almost certainly
emulate one of the selections
Receipt Printer Port - Select the port your printer is plugged into
Hide Line Amounts on Receipts Laybys - Select if you want to hide line amounts on Laybys only All Sales - Select if you want to hide line amounts on all receipts
Miscellaneous - Must Select Sales Person - Select if you staff share tills. The sales person must select their name from a list to complete each transaction. Enforce Password - If selected the sales person must enter the password of the logged in user to process a transaction. This selection overrides Must Select Sales Person. Show Product Picture - If selected the stored picture of any product selected will display in the POS screen Multiple Tills - If selected forces users to select a till when opening POS Use Process Orders in POS - Select if you wish to use Process_Orders<LinkId=281> Use Blind Balance - Select to use Blind Balance at End of Period. Blind Balance means the sales person does not know how much cash they should have. Therefore when they count the cash in their till they cannot hide errors. Enforce Refund Verification - If selected Refunds will only be allowed if a legitimate receipt number is entered Auto Picking Slip for Laybys - Use Numeric Keypad - Allows a numeric keypad to be turned on by the sales person Don't Return to Primary Keypad - When using multiple keypads or screens in POS, you return to the primary keypad after each transaction unless this item is selected. Close Invoice after Create - If creating an invoice in POS selecting this item will display the completed invoice to the sales person. If not selected the invoice is created in the background. Round up to .05 Cents from - Select the number of cents from which you round amounts up. eg. if you enter 3, any total ending in 3, or 4 will be rounded up to the next 5cents and totals ending in 1 or 2 will be rounded down.
Layby Terms and Conditions - Enter the text to be printed on Layby receipts ie. Your terms and conditions
Receipt Footer - Enter the text to be included on ALL receipts