Sales Analysis Chart
From TrueERP wiki
'Sales Analysis Chart: To access 'Sales Analysis Chart'; Go to Sales Module and Click on the Sales Analysis Chart.
This chart update you with all or an Sales individual employee work flow, and this chart analyzes how much an individual has the potential. You can check a performance on certain time period by manipulating the dates, and the chart will give you the update analysis of that particular period.
The All Sources area is the list of all the lead sources. Clicking on all will give you the analysis of all the leads generated from all the listed lead sources. If you want to see the analysis of certain lead sources, to gauge the lead quality, then you can select those which you want to analyze.
Similarly, All Action Type will include all the information of whatever action your employee has marked it. If you want complete status irrespective of what the action is then click on All Action Type whereas If you want to ignore the Invalid Number lead then simply mark it inactive and the analysis will given of all the lead actions excluding Invalid Numbers
The Calculatedchart show you the complete information of the leads your employee or employees have worked on and how many out of them were converted into a close won and how many were dropped out from the initial lead pool.
This is an effective way to analyze the total leads that has been converted and also how each employee is contributing to the company.