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Repair Express List

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Revision as of 18:31, 2 January 2014 by Omer Farooq (Talk | contribs)

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Repair Express List: To access Repair Express List, go to Workshop module and click on Repair Express List tab.

This option gives you a list of all the repairs that are in the repair process or have already finished with it. In simple words, a complete history of all the repairs with the current status. There is detail option on the top right which will give you more details about repairs, therefore you can switch between express and detail mode as well.

You can customise, export it to excel spread sheets, and can also create a new repair from this window.

F5, F6 and F7 search options are available. You can drill down to any record you want, and there is also date option also which will help you in filtering out data of a particular period.

Repair Express List is a summary of all the repairs that were scheduled with the current status.