13. Altering Columns
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Revision as of 21:44, 21 September 2014 by Omer Farooq (Talk | contribs)
Altering Columns
Altering Columns - Can you add columns, remove columns and alter the layout of the list and then save the list as a personal report? Refer Global Features
Within any List or Report you have the feature to fully customise your list, and set it as User or Global Preference. For Example; Account List. Go to Accounts Module, and select Accounts List. Untick Tree Mode to view List Mode.
In the list, which means any list customer, product, invoice etc. you have a Customise tab at the bottom.
- Click Customise.
- Customise window will open up.
- In the Columns Area, Tick to make that column available in the list.
- Untick to remove the column from the list.
- Double click any column name to rename it.
- You can create Custom Column by clicking on the 'New' button in customise window of a list.
- Grid Title Font will allow you to change the font, font size and font colour of the Grid Header.
- Grid Font will allow you to change the font, font size and font colour of the text in Grids.
- Aletrnate Row Colour will allow you to set alternate row colour if required.
- Clicking on Enable Grid Lines will show the grid lines in the list. Unticking will remove the grid lines.
- You can alter changes and can make it as a Customer Report by clicking on the Custom Report Tab. Give the Report Name and select where you want to see this custom report apart from My Reports
- After making changes select User if the setting is for the individual user who is altering the changes. Select Global if you want the changes on every users.
- Click Save to complete the customisation.
- At any time you can click Default to go back to system default settings.
You can move the columns, can expand or contract the width of the columns and can sort the columns in Ascending or Descending Order.