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Inventory Transfers

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Inventory Transfers around your bins, batches serial numbers etc will be based on the principal of moving these items within your company to different departments or areas. This can be found in 'Inventory Adjust' Module. All the different transfer functions follow the same concept and principle, whether its a serial number transfer, bin transfer etc. Its just the information that is relevant to the transfer. So click on the type of transfer you wish to do, this will the open the relevant 'Transfer Card. eg 'Stock Transfer'. First thing to select is the 'Transfer From' option. This is vital due to this being the source of where the product si coming from. Once that is selected make sure which account is it posting to.

Go ahead and select your product you wish to transfer or select 'Auto Transfer' at the bottom of the screen. Once this is selected TrueERP will prompt you to which location or department will this transfer post to. Select the location and then TrueERP will populate the stock transfer screen.

Then make sure what amount is available of the item and then select the amount to transfer. Enter in a reason for the transfer, click process and job done. Transfer complete.