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System messages

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This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.

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Name Default message text
Current message text
exif-subjectnewscode-value (Talk) (Translate) $2 ($1)
exif-sublocationcreated (Talk) (Translate) Sublocation of the city that the picture was taken in
exif-sublocationdest (Talk) (Translate) Sublocation of city shown
exif-subsectime (Talk) (Translate) DateTime subseconds
exif-subsectimedigitized (Talk) (Translate) DateTimeDigitized subseconds
exif-subsectimeoriginal (Talk) (Translate) DateTimeOriginal subseconds
exif-unknowndate (Talk) (Translate) Unknown date
exif-urgency (Talk) (Translate) Urgency
exif-urgency-high (Talk) (Translate) High ($1)
exif-urgency-low (Talk) (Translate) Low ($1)
exif-urgency-normal (Talk) (Translate) Normal ($1)
exif-urgency-other (Talk) (Translate) User-defined priority ($1)
exif-usageterms (Talk) (Translate) Usage terms
exif-usercomment (Talk) (Translate) User comments
exif-webstatement (Talk) (Translate) Online copyright statement
exif-whitebalance (Talk) (Translate) White balance
exif-whitebalance-0 (Talk) (Translate) Auto white balance
exif-whitebalance-1 (Talk) (Translate) Manual white balance
exif-whitepoint (Talk) (Translate) White point chromaticity
exif-worldregioncreated (Talk) (Translate) World region that the picture was taken in
exif-worldregiondest (Talk) (Translate) World region shown
exif-writer (Talk) (Translate) Writer
exif-xresolution (Talk) (Translate) Horizontal resolution
exif-xyresolution-c (Talk) (Translate) $1 dpc
exif-xyresolution-i (Talk) (Translate) $1 dpi
exif-ycbcrcoefficients (Talk) (Translate) Color space transformation matrix coefficients
exif-ycbcrpositioning (Talk) (Translate) Y and C positioning
exif-ycbcrpositioning-1 (Talk) (Translate) Centered
exif-ycbcrpositioning-2 (Talk) (Translate) Co-sited
exif-ycbcrsubsampling (Talk) (Translate) Subsampling ratio of Y to C
exif-yresolution (Talk) (Translate) Vertical resolution
expand_templates_generate_rawhtml (Talk) (Translate) Show raw HTML
expand_templates_generate_xml (Talk) (Translate) Show XML parse tree
expand_templates_html_output (Talk) (Translate) Raw HTML output
expand_templates_input (Talk) (Translate) Input text:
expand_templates_intro (Talk) (Translate) This special page takes text and expands all templates in it recursively. It also expands supported parser functions like <code><nowiki>{{</nowiki>#language:…}}</code> and variables like <code><nowiki>{{</nowiki>CURRENTDAY}}</code>. In fact, it expands pretty much everything in double-braces.
expand_templates_ok (Talk) (Translate) OK
expand_templates_output (Talk) (Translate) Result
expand_templates_preview (Talk) (Translate) Preview
expand_templates_remove_comments (Talk) (Translate) Remove comments
expand_templates_remove_nowiki (Talk) (Translate) Suppress <nowiki> tags in result
expand_templates_title (Talk) (Translate) Context title, for {{FULLPAGENAME}}, etc.:
expand_templates_xml_output (Talk) (Translate) XML output
expandtemplates (Talk) (Translate) Expand templates
expansion-depth-exceeded-category (Talk) (Translate) Pages where expansion depth is exceeded
expansion-depth-exceeded-warning (Talk) (Translate) Page exceeded the expansion depth
expensive-parserfunction-category (Talk) (Translate) Pages with too many expensive parser function calls
expensive-parserfunction-category-desc (Talk) (Translate) Too many expensive parser functions (like <code>#ifexist</code>) included on a page. See [$wgExpensiveParserFunctionLimit Manual:$wgExpensiveParserFunctionLimit].
expensive-parserfunction-warning (Talk) (Translate) <strong>Warning:</strong> This page contains too many expensive parser function calls. It should have less than $2 {{PLURAL:$2|call|calls}}, there {{PLURAL:$1|is now $1 call|are now $1 calls}}.
expiringblock (Talk) (Translate) expires on $1 at $2
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