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Service Log

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Revision as of 11:26, 1 March 2011 by Eliza (Talk | contribs)

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Each Asset can be fully maintained and tracked via a Service Log. ERP will also log against the asset, any and all work done, including any internal labour costs and repairs. Record here the last service and the date the next service is due.

How to use the Service Log

  • Select Fixed Assets Tab
  • Select Service Log button
  • Select the Asset Code from the drop down list of Fixed assets. The Asset Name will populate automatically
  • Enter the Service date - this is the date last serviced
  • Enter the Service Provider's name ie. The entity that performed the service
  • Select the next service date from the drop down list - This will generate a reminder the nominated number of

days prior to the next service date. See Employee Preferences<LinkId=230>

  • Enter any Service Notes - eg. "Will require new seals at next service"
  • Select Save

The service history can now be viewed from either the Service Log List or by selecting the asset from the Fixed Asset List