Print Pick Slips
From TrueERP wiki
Pick Slips can be printed as you create Sales Orders or Invoices, or you can print them as a batch from the Picking
Slip List screen.
How to use Print Pick Slips
- Select the Inventory tab
*Select Print Pick Slips button - this brings up the Picking Slip List
This list can be filtered by Pick Slips to be Printed, Pick Lists done and Unbalanced Bin Quantities
*Select the Pick Lists to be Printed radio button
*Select the Products to be picked.
Note: This list is by Sales Line not by Invoice or Sales Order. When you select a product for printing however,
the picking slip will print all items on the Sales Order / Invoice
*Select Print Picking Slip button
*For a product with Bins turned on, select the bin line and Print
*For Non-Bin products select the Non Bin Product line and Print