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A production Resource can be a person, a piece of equipment or a workspace. Work Processes are allocated to a resource which ensures that processes are not scheduled at a time when there are insufficient resources to complete them.

How to use production Resource

  • Select the Manufacturing tab
  • Select the Resource button (to create a new Resource) or Resource List to view/edit an existing resource

Fields available are:

  • Resource Name - the unique identifier for the resource
  • Description
  • Capacity Hours - the number of hours per day that the resource is available
  • Setup Hours - the number of hours to set up the resource each day (not including process specific setup time)
  • Breakdown Hours - the number of hours per day to break down or shut down the resource
  • Hourly Labour Rate
  • Hourly Overhead Rate
  • Resource Process Steps - add here all of the processes that can be allocated to the resource.