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Pay Staff

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The Pay Staff button is where you process your Weekly/Fortnightly/Monthly payroll, as well as being a report displaying the Summary of the Payroll to date. ERP Payroll links with many other modules within ERP to ensure the full and efficientprocessing of periodic pay runs. These areas include: Employee, Awards, Timesheet Entries, Deductions, Departments, Jobs, Tax Scales, Employee Services, Payroll Preferences, Accounts, EFT and more. It is important to familiarise yourself with all aspects of the above to ensure you have a complete picture of what feeds into the Payroll Pay Staff area.

For Payroll data to feed through ERP in the correct manner, all Employee payroll data needs to be entered against the Employee card, and all Company Payroll Info and Company Payroll Preferences must be set. This way all the required rates for Salary, Wages, PAYG, Superannuation, Commissions etc will flow through the system correctly.

NB: Please ensure your Employee cards are updated for Payroll before running a Pay Staff.

How To Pay Staff

  • Select the 'Payroll Tab'
  • Select the 'Pay Staff' Button

As per other lists within ERP you can:

  • Customise the Pay Summary screen.
  • Export the Pay Summary screen.
  • Perform Searches within the Pay Summary screen.
  • Execute Filters within the Pay Summary screen.
  • Print the Pay Summary screen.

Please refer to Global Features for details on the functionality of the above choices.

  • Select from the radio buttons, 'Pay'; 'Do Not Pay'; 'All Pays' to display the required list.
  • The Pay Date; Date Paid; Pay Period columns indicate the next pay to be completed.
  • The next 'Pay Date' is the end of the current pay period
  • The 'Date Paid' is literally the date that you made the last payment
  • The 'Pay Period' is the actual period for your Company pay runs as per Employee card and Preference settings
  • 'Wages' displays the value of the wage to be paid for this pay period as per the figures

entered into the Employee card.

  • 'Commission' is dependant upon whether the Employee is eligible to be paid commission as per Employee card

settings, i.e. per Invoice, per Product etc. Commissions are not automatically added into the pay. You must enter them manuallly. See Commissions

  • If there are any Deductions, Allowances, Sundries for this pay period that are not a standard entry then you have

the option to enter them before running the pay.

  • The Pay Staff screen also lists the Superannuation, Gross, CDEP, Tax and Net wages due for the next pay, in

accordance with the default data entered against each employee.

  • The 'Pay Periods' indicates the number of pay periods being paid in One Pay, e.g. If your normal pay period is

weekly but you need to pay an employee 2 weeks worth of wages in the one pay run, then you would set the Pay Periods to 2. To do this double-click on the employee within the Pay Staff list.

  • 'Send Pay Slips via' indicates which email address a Pay Slip should be sent to if authorised.
  • The 'Pay' column allows you to select 'Yes' or 'No' whether to pay each employee, e.g. Dene's pay may need to

be revised further, but you do not wish to hold up the processing of all the other pays. Therefore if you select 'No' against Dene's entry, all other pays can be processed. Dene's pay for this period will now be displayed in the 'Do Not Pay' list.

Manually entering the tax.

  • Select the 'Manual Tax' tick box at the top right of screen.
  • Enter the manually calculated tax figure directly into the Tax field.
  • The total Net pay will re-calculate accordingly.
  • Select 'Prepared'.
  • Select the 'Prepared' tick box once you have completed any amendments for each Employee's pay.
  • The Employee entry in the 'Pay Summary' list will then be highlighted.
  • Select the 'Payslip Report' button to Print/Preview the overall Pay Report for the pay period.
  • Select the 'Preview Pay Slip' button to preview all payslips before printing

Note: When 'Pay Staff' is completed a Pay Slip will automatically be printed/previewed.

  • Select the 'Pay Staff' button at the bottom of the 'Pay Summary' screen when you are ready to process the pay

for this period.

  • This will load the 'Action Authority' screen to authorise the processing of the pay. Refer to Access Levels for

setting the required authorisation for each employee.

  • Enter the Employee and Password (as per log-in name and password).
  • Select 'Approved'
  • This will load the 'Pay Period' screen where you enter the date 'You are about to Pay Staff through to' and the

actual 'Paid Date'.

  • Select 'OK'
  • Pay Slips for each Employee just paid will be printed/emailed, or previewed for you to choose whether to print.
  • After all Pay Slips have been printed/previewed the 'Payroll Completed' Information screen will display.
  • Select OK
  • The Pay Summary screen will now display the next pay date

NB: If the Preference/Speed 'Disable List Updates on Save' is selected, you will need to 'Refresh' the Pay Summary screen to display this change.

  • If 'Add to EFT' was selected, the pays we have just run will be loaded into the Banking/EFT ready for the file to be

sent to your bank for electronic processing.

Refer to Banking/EFT for instructions on processing.

NB: When a 'Pay Staff' has been run, the payments are allocated by default to the 'Payroll Bank' account within ERP. This account is a clearing account therefore the funds need to be transferred regularly between Payroll Bank and the actual Bank Account where the wages are being debited from. NOTE: Under no circumstances should the Payroll Clearing account be replaced in preferences with an actual Bank account as these transactions will not be reconcilable as a bank account. Please refer below for instructions on creating the Journal Entry for the transfer.

  • In your Accounts List (Chart of Accounts Tree), and Balance Sheet there will be entries against the Payroll Bank


  • On a regular basis this must be cleared and your actual Bank Account debited, bringing your Payroll Bank balance

back to $0.00

  • The Chart of Accounts Tree is a drillable report. Double-click to take you to the Details by Account list if you wish

to view the transactions making up the Payroll Bank figure.

  • Select the Accounts tab
  • Select the Journal Entry button
  • Select the Payroll Bank account from the drop-down Account list.
  • Debit from the Payroll Bank the total amount that has been posted to this account and has been paid out of your

Bank Account.

  • Credit your Bank Account (the actual account the payroll funds have been debited from).
  • Select 'SAVE'
  • Open your Chart of Accounts in Tree mode, or your Balance Sheet.

NB: The balance of your Payroll Bank is now $0.00 and the balance of your Bank Account has been debited by the amount you have just created a Journal Entry for from Payroll Bank.

An Update Batch may need to be run for the journal entry to be reflected in the reports.

· Select the Profit & Loss Report for a breakdown of your payroll expenses.

Deleting a Pay that has been Created in Error

  • Select the Pay History button from within the Payroll tab.
  • Select the incorrect pay, e.g. Pay No 21 for Gaye Paris.
  • Double-click to drill into the Employee Pay.
  • Select the 'Deleted' tick box at the bottom right of screen.
  • You will be prompted with a confirmation box, select 'Yes'.
  • Select 'SAVE'.

Select the 'Deleted Pays' radio button to display the Pay History deleted pays list.

NB: If the Preference/Speed 'Disable List Updates on Save' is selected, you will need to 'Refresh' the Pay Summary screen to display this change.