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The Hours tab describes the pay rates and standard hours worked by the employee. This information is populated from the Award<LinkId=154> selected for the employee but can be individualised from this screen. The Award should be selected in the Pay Details<LinkId=149> tab before entering information in this screen.

How to Use Hours

  • Select Employee Tab
  • Select Employee or an Employee from Employee List
  • Select Hours tab
  • Enter the Rate - The first line would normally be Normal Hours
  • Enter the Type - Where possible this should be Hourly Rate.
  • Enter the Hours worked in a standard PAY PERIOD.
  • Enter the Hourly Pay Rate - For Salaried staff, calculate the hourly rate by dividing the Annual Salary by the number

of normal working hours in the year.

  • The Wage field will populate with the Gross Wage per pay period
  • Select SUPER if the pay is subject to the Superannuation Guaranteed Contribution
  • The Job field is optional. If the payment is linked to a Job, select the Job from the drop down list.
  • If the employee is paid from a cost centre other than the default department, select the correct department from the

drop down list

  • Additional lines can be added if required. eg. If the employee regularly works 8 hours overtime with a loading

you can add an extra line to reflect the appropriate rate for those hours.

Remember this information is for a standard pay. Individual pays can be adjusted at the time of the pay run Note: Additional lines should be used with caution as ERP will not allow a pay to be processed with a line that has zero hours. This means any lines not used for a particular pay must be removed from the pay when preparing that pay.

NEXT. Go to Leave Accruals