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Stock Transfer

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Revision as of 12:17, 10 March 2011 by Eliza (Talk | contribs)

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The Stock Transfer button allows the user to perform a transfer of stock from one Department (Cost Centre) to another. Stock Transfers are transferred at Cost Price. Stock Transfers are directly linked to Product Re-order points allowing Auto Transfers to be processed.

How to perform a Manual Stock Transfer

  • Select the Inventory tab
  • Select the Stock Transfer button
  • Select 'Transfer From' Department from the drop down list
  • Select to To Account from the drop down list

This account should be an Inventory Asset Account. The "from" Inventory Asset account for the product will always be one side of the transaction. When transferring stock the relevent Inventory Asset account is reduced for the stock being tranferred out and increased for the stock being transferred in. In most cases this is the same account and the change is a nett zero.

  • Show only as Unit Of Measure

When selected the available quantity for transfer will only be the stock in that unit of measure. eg. If you have 3 cases and 4 bottles and you select cases as you UOM, only 3 will be available for transfer.

  • Enter the date of the transfer
  • In the Product field select the product from the drop down list or type "~" and scan the products barcode
  • Select the UOM if applicable - the available quantity will display

Note: You can only transfer stock that is available. While your total stock at hand may be more, any stock already allocated to a sale cannot be trnsferred elsewhere unless you change the sales order to a back order

  • Enter the department where the stock is to be transferred to.
  • Select Bin/Batch and Serial number information if applicable.
  • Enter a reason for the transfer at the bottom of the screen
  • At this point you can put the transfer on hold or process it by selecting the appropriate buttons.

How to perform an Auto Transfer Auto transfer is driven by the preferred levels of stock in the quantities tab of the product file. Selecting Auto Transfer will cause ERP to calculate what stock needs to be transferred based on the preferred levels and reorder points and populate the list of transfers to be processed.

  • Select the Inventory tab
  • Select the Stock Transfer button
  • Select 'Transfer From' Department from the drop down list
  • Select to To Account from the drop down list
  • Select the Employee Name
  • Select Auto Transfer button
  • A Departments List screen will appear
  • Hold down theCONTROL key and select the to department/s
  • Select Close button
  • The Stock Transfer screen will now populate with a list of transfers to be processed.
  • At this time you can delete any entries that you don't want to process by selecting the line and then selecting the

red cross in the top left of the grid.

  • Select Process to process now or Hold to process later