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Trial Balance

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Revision as of 17:10, 21 June 2011 by Simon Clive (Talk | contribs)

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The Trial Balance is a list of your Company's Accounts contained in the General Ledger, and their balances as of a selected date.

The Trial Balance is displayed in a four column format with Debit and Credit columns displaying totals both Ex GST and Inc GST. All the debit balances are listed in one column and all the credit balances are listed in another.

The Trial Balance Report is prepared after all the transactions for the period have been Journalised and posted to the General Ledger. A Tria Balance is run generally at the end of a period to identify if any adjustments to accounts are required or if any errors have occurred in any of the accounts. If all postings to accounts and Journal_Entry's are error free the total of Credit balances will equal the total of the Debit Balances.

How to Use the Trial Balance

Select the Accounts Tab and select the Trial Balance button to open the report.

The Trial Balance Report will open.

Note: The Trial Balance Report's opening display defaults to 'All Departments' and at today's date. 

To Select the Trial Balance by Department firstly uncheck the "All" box and select the Department required from the drop-down menu.

To Select the Trial Balance by Date Tick the 'Use Date Range' box to select a specific date range.

The Tria Balance Report is drillable. By drilling into any entry displayed into the "Trial Balance Report" the "Trial Balance Transaction" list will open. This in turn is also drill-able, therefore enabling the user to drill back to the original transaction/s.