Budget Definition
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Revision as of 17:30, 22 June 2011 by Simon Clive (Talk | contribs)
Budget Definition allows the user to create multiple Budgets. Each can be for different financial reporting periods. These
include Daily, Weekly, Fortnightly, Monthly, Quarterly, Half Yearly and Yearly.
Each budget can be relevant to just one department (cost centre) or can apply to all departments, or a combination of
How To Create a New Budget_Definition
- Select the Budget_Definition' button displayed within the Budget Tab
- TheBudget_Definition screen appears
- Name Field refers to the name that you wish to call this particular budget
- Description field refers to how this Budget definition is to be described
- Start date is a date picker allowing you to determine the date that this budget definition comes into effect
- Period selector allows you to input how many 'intervals' this budget will be created for, i.e. If you select an interval
of 'monthly' and then 12 'periods' you are designing this Budget for the next 12 months and will display monthly figures.
- Interval allows you to select from Daily, Weekly, Fortnightly, Monthly, Quarterly, Half Yearly and Yearly
- End Date will automatically fill in based on the intervals and the periods selected
- Departments allows you to select one or all of the departments (cost centres) that this particular budget will apply to.
- To select a new department simply place a tick in the active box next to the department you wish to select.
- The customisable amount fields allow you to set parameters on the Budget. For example you may decide to set a plus
or minus 10% for variation on the budget, as a default the fields are labeled Aggressive and Conservative. An example
of this may be - we are budgeting on $10,000 in sales this month. You decide that if we really push (get aggressive) we
may do 10% more $11,000 but if we just coast (be conservative) we may only do $9,000.
- The visible flag will enable the description to be seen when we are entering a new budget