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6 Access Levels

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Assign and Manage Access Levels

Do you know how to assign and manage Access Levels?

When entering a new employee, assign a password and click on Access Levels.

Select the employee name from the drop down menu Select Copy from - to transfer access levels from an employee already set up to another with the same access levels Or click on Default Option and select from the drop down menu the appropriate settings to suit the employee Select the accounting fields that the employee is to have access to from the main menu, eg Accounts, Payroll etc. Double click in column to choose the access options for an appropriate subject eg..

ACCOUNTS Can read Credit Card Numbers No Access Cannot access at all Read Only Can read only Create & Read Can create and also read Full without Delete Can create read but cannot delete a transactions Full with Delete Can create read and delete transactions

Double click on the column line to select or de-select an access level for a particular field

Click Save

Note: The Access levels can be amended at any time through the Access Level Button within the Employee Tab main screen, by an Employee with Full Access (Normally the System Administrator or Manager).