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11 Creating Representatives

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Creating a Representative

Can you create a new Rep'?

All reps need to be firstly added as an employee. Set up an employee with all relevant information. This will copy over when a new Rep is created.

In the Main menu select Employee and then select the New Rep button.

At the top of the page under Representative you will find a drop down arrow, click on this to see all Employees.

Select the Employee you need to change to a New Rep. This will transfer all relevant details from the employee card.

When you select the Employee you should make sure that the Address and details are correct.

The Rate Info tab enables a Rate to be applied to a New Rep. This will enable a charge to be added to an Appointment should the need arise.

All Appointments that have been created for a Rep will be displayed in the History Tab.

Once the Rep has been created and all is correct, click the Save Button to save all details.