9 Accounts and Departments
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Accounts and Departments
Was the relationship between Departments Products and Accounts explained, focusing on how Departments can create different report levels with one Accounts, thus eliminating the need for multiple Accounts of the same type?
How To View and Create Departments
Select the General tab Select the Departments List button
There are two ways to create a New Department:
Firstly by clicking on the New button from the Departments List screen Secondly by selecting General and then Department from the top menu bar in ERP
On the Department Form you will be able to define the structure of your Department/Cost Centre Tree.
These can be broken down to 4 levels if required:
Header Department Sub Department 1 Sub Department 2 Department Name (Department you are creating now)
Refer below for further instructions
For example, if you have a nationwide Clothing business the Header Department may be the City that you operate in. In the following example we will use Melbourne as our Header Department, and create sub-departments under it.
Select the New button at the bottom of your Department List to load a new Department form. Enter the name of the new Header Department in the Department Name field. Enter a description for the Header Department in the Description field. The Department Tree View will populate. The Department Tree View shows the Department Hierarchy and will grow as more department levels are added. Select Save
Open the newly created Melbourne Department from the Department List by double-clicking on it.
When creating a Department you have a few additional choices you can make simply by ticking the appropriate box:
In each City you may have a Retail section, and a Warehouse section. When creating your Departments you are able to set these areas of business as Sub Departments, therefore allowing you to report on particular sectors within your business.
When creating Sub Department 1 you will need to:
Open a new department form from within the Department List Select the Header Department, eg. Melbourne from the Header Department drop-down. Enter the name of the first Sub Department into the Department Name field, e.g. Retail (Melbourne) Enter a description for the Sub Department into the Description field. Select Save
In the Retail store there may be a Menswear and a Ladies Wear section. These can be created as Sub Department 2 to enable further reporting ability.
When creating Sub Department 2 you will need to:
Open a new department form from within the Department List or the top toolbar drop-down as detailed above. Select the Header Department, eg. Melbourne from the Header Department drop-down. Select Retail (Melbourne) from the Sub Department 1 drop-down. Enter the name of the 2nd Sub Department into the Department Name field, e.g. Menswear (R-M).
Enter a description for the Sub Department in the Description field. Select Save
In Menswear you may have sub sections, for example Suits, Casual or Sportswear. These would appear in the final Sub Department.
To create the final Sub Department you will need to:
Open a new department form from within the Department List or the top toolbar drop-down as detailed above. Select the Header Department, eg. Melbourne from the Header Department drop-down. Select Retail (Melbourne) from the Sub Department 1 drop-down. Select Menswear (R-M) from the Sub Department 2 drop-down. Enter the name of the final Sub Department in the Department Name field. Enter a description for the Sub Department in the Description field. Select Save
Note: The Tree Mode structure now shows 4 levels of Departments, all indented below each other.
To create more Departments and Sub Departments, simply follow the steps above.
To make a Department In-active, un-tick the Active tick-box at the bottom right of screen. This is automatically
ticked upon creation of any new department.
Note: You can make a Department active or in-active as required, so long as there are no transactions posted to the department. e.g. Products attributed to the Department, Invoices outstanding, etc.
The New button at the bottom of the Department screen allows you to select a new department screen directly from one you have just created. When you select this new button, the department on screen will be saved automatically.